Rome’s First Female Lorcana Set Champion Shares Her Journey to Stitch

Eva Pergolini and her winnings from her Lorcana Set Championship victory.

If you want to be the best, you have to learn from the best.

This is why in this article we are going to be hearing from Eva Pergoloni – Rome’s first female Lorcana Set Champion! She won a 40 player event at the WildFire store in Rome, which is incredibly impressive.

In this interview, Eva shares her journey to Set Champion and that coveted Stitch – Rock Star promo including how she prepped for the event, why she chose the deck list she chose, and what was running through her head as she mader her way to the very top!

Q&A with Eva Pergolini

Q: First things first: Is Lorcana your first TCG? If not, could you explain your experience in TCGs?

Eva: Lorcana is not my first TCG. I played a little bit of Magic the Gathering(Arena, Draft, and a lot of Pauper), Yu-Gi-Oh (I tried to learn cause my boyfriend used to play a lot) and Hearthstone (only on free time for fun).

Q: What drew you to Lorcana? What do you like about it best?

Eva: After the Pandemic I stopped playing TCGs. So when I saw a preview video on YouTube about Lorcana that looked interesting, I decided to give this new game a try!

I love everything about it! The artwork (I used to draw a lot); the mechanics (simple mix of other TCG); and last but not least the community! I've met a lot of new friends and very good people playing the game.

Q: Why did you pick Emerald/Amethyst for your Set Championships?

Eva: I've studied the metagame with my boyfriend and I enjoyed the idea for a deck that counters aggro while also destroying control decks! Emerald/Amethyst is a really versatile deck!

Q: How did you prepare/practice for the event?

Eva: I play at two different Lorcana local events a week and I also play on Pixelborn. I tried different deck lists in this season but knew after practicing that this one was the one for me.

Q: Climbing all the way to first place is a challenge. What were the feelings you experienced while making your way to the top?

Eva: I played other tournaments before this one and I unfortunately didn't perfom well. So I decided to focus all my energy on this one! At the start of this tournament I was relaxed but once I reached the top cut i was little nervous. But after all I got it!

Q: I noticed your boyfriend also is an accomplished Lorcana player. What is it like playing TCG as a couple? What are some of the benefits and some of the challenges?

Eva: First rule – we don't play at home ahahha! We are both competitive and we can easily argue while playing. A benefit is that we share our Lorcana collection so we alternate decks to play. Despite all he’s taught me a lot and I’m really grateful we get to play together!

Q: What’s the future for you in Lorcana?

For now my focus is on Lille challenge! But I will never forget to have fun playing the game with my friends!

Q: What spoiler from Ursula’s Return is your favorite and why?

My favorite spoiler's card is Mulan elite archer! She's my favorite character and the artwork is crazy! Not the strongest card but a beautiful one.

Takeaways from my interview with Eva

There are several things I really like about what Eva had to say about her experience winning the Set Championship. First, I like her approach to prepping for the event. Of course, studying the meta is a must before playing any TCG competitively, and Lorcana is no exception!

Second, it doesn’t sound like she did anything too crazy other than playing regularly both in person at local events and online. While you certainly have to practice a bit to excel, you don’t necessarily have to play in countless tournaments in advance: just get your regular practice in and know the meta and you’ll have a huge leg up on the competition.

Lastly, Eva didn’t let past failures derail her competitive spirit. In competitive TCGs, you won’t win every tournament you attend matter how good you are. Don’t be discouraged if you fail but instead try, try again!

Thanks so much for the interview, Eva and we can’t wait to see how you do in Lille!

Additionally, you can find Eva’s Set Championship winning deck below.

  • 3 Chernabog's Followers - Creatures of Evil

    4 Cursed Merfolk - Ursula's Handiwork

    4 Flynn Rider - Charming Rogue

    4 Friends On The Other Side

    4 Kit Cloudkicker - Tough Guy

    4 Madam Mim - Fox

    4 Madam Mim - Snake

    3 Maleficent - Sorceress

    3 Merlin - Crab

    4 Merlin - Goat

    4 Merlin - Rabbit

    3 Mother Knows Best

    3 Rafiki - Mystical Fighter

    3 The Queen's Castle - Mirror Chamber

    4 Ursula - Deceiver

    4 Ursula - Deceiver of All

    2 Yzma - Scary Beyond All Reason

If you want to keep up with Eva, you can find her via her handle on X @Mazu_Mazu.

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of You can learn more about him on the about page.


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