Why Golf is Good for Your Health


I recently started golfing. It’s been a blast. Here’s why I recommend it to you.

Growing up, golf wasn’t much of a thing. I didn’t know anyone who golfed, nor did I golf myself. It was all about team sports – the ones that require long hours, team commitments, and a lot of physical exertion.

Now that I’m older, however, Golf seems to be the perfect sport for any working man. Especially those of us who work all day at our computers in nice, air conditioned rooms.

Golf Gets You Outside

After the majority of a day spent inside, and a week, for that matter, it’s incredibly beneficial to get outside away from the Air Conditioning and the television set. In fact, being outside is scientifically proven to be beneficial to you in many ways. It reduces stress, gives you energy, boosts vision, and more.

Getting outside is especially important in times like these. When working from home, it gets difficult to break up the day. One great way to do this is to begin your morning or evening with a jaunt outside. Golf gets you outside and helps break up the day.

No matter where you live, if there’s a golf course nearby, getting into the “great outdoors” becomes manageable more often.

Golf is Mentally Stimulating

When your job fails to stimulate your brain, you need something else to apply your cognitive powers to. Also, continued exercise for the brain can help fight away Alzheimer’s as we get older. There’s so much to learn and think about in Golf – not to mention endless courses to try out. Because each course is different, you’re guaranteed to have no shortage of challenges.

Golf is a Good Workout

Ditch the golf cart. Not only will you save money, you’ll be healthier. During just nine holes of golf, if you are walking, you can expect to burn an incredible amount of calories. This is thanks largely to the fact that the entire time you are playing you are walking, standing, and, of course, swinging clubs. The best part is, because you’ll be having so much fun playing the game and enjoying nature, you’ll hardly notice the calorie burn. Compare this to those sweaty, angsty gym workouts and it becomes clear which one is more enjoyable.

Golf Builds Life Skills

Last but not least, Golf is an excellent way to build valuable life skills. Whether you are young or old, the patience, determination and levelheadedness required to complete any number of holes is something that you can carry with you into other aspects of your life. Failed one hole? Let it get to you, and it will mess up your next. Building mental toughness can help you in your relationships, at work, and in all other pursuits.

Convinced you should be golfing? Why not give it a try? Although Golf has a high learning curve, there’s never been a better time to start!

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of JosephWriterAnderson.com. You can learn more about him on the about page.


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