10 Strongest Attack on Titan Characters

10 Strongest Attack on Titan Characters

10 Strongest Attack on Titan Characters

When it comes to Attack on Titan, you never can tell how long a character is going to last. Heading into the final part of the final season, most of the characters listed below are still alive. But that could change pretty quickly. These are the 10 strongest Attack on Titan Characters based on a combination of hand to hand combat skills, titan powers, and strategic capabilities.

Warning: spoilers ahead!

Update – March 14, 2023

10. Jean Kirstein is Stronger Than You’d Think

Jean is a capable soldier, an effective leader, and an excellent marksmen with a gun. Although originally snobby and uptight, his character development has led him to become one of the most fiercely loyal fighters around. Although not as strong in combat in battle as Mikasa nor as powerful as a titan, Jean’s levelheadedness remains a constant bedrock to any unit he is a part of.

9. Reiner Braun Never Ceases to Push the Limits

Another very tough titan, Reiner is one of the strongest characters in Attack on Titan. However, our analysis found that despite his powerful exterior, in reality, he does not have the best record in regards to battles we see him in. In fact, he is beaten several times. We’ll see if that stays the case in the final season.

Regardless, Reiner has had a massive impact on the plot of the show through his determination and raw strength.

8. The War Hammer Titan

If the War Hammer Titan had debuted in any season but the last, it would have been considered tremendously powerful. However, thanks to the escalation of the abilities of the central characters throughout the series, by the time the Hammer Titan arrives on the scene, she is relatively easily dispatched.

Additionally, although originally something that surprises Eren, the fact that the Hammer Titan houses her human host underground turns out to be more of a liability than an advantage.

7. Armin is a Strategist and Has the Colossal Titan

Although Armin has the good tactical skills, he’s not really the strongest character for most of the series. However, when he inherits the Colossal Titan, his combative abilities skyrocket. He’s now easily one of the toughest characters in the series, and it will be interesting to see how he comes into play moving forward.

6. Captain Erwin is The Show’s Greatest Strategist

Erwin is a tough soldier, an incredible leader, and strategic mastermind. He fights bitterly to the end, and is the main driving force for the “good” guys throughout the first several seasons.

Additionally, in the OVA “No Regrets”, we actually see Captain Erwin defeat Levi. Perhaps Levi grew to outstrip his commander, but it could also be Erwin is stronger as a fighter than we ever actually see in the show.

5. Zeke Causes a Ton of Problems

Zeke is like Captain Erwin in regards to his leadership skills and strategic prowess. However, his titan abilities put him on another level. We don’t really seem to know his full powers. What we do know, however, is that he is able to control other titans, which turns out to be one of the strongest abilities you can possibly possess. Additionally, although a seemingly odd ability, Zeke is able to throw projectiles at impossible speeds, which makes him basically a walking missile launcher, as well.

4. Annie Was the First “Special” Titan

Annie is one tough titan. When she shows up in the first season, she is a game changer. No other titan thus far has been able to think intelligently, let alone harden themselves at will. Additionally, Annie’s combat abilities when not a titan are fearsome to behold. It is alluded to in the show that she and Mikasa fought. However, we don’t know the outcome of that fight. But it seems fair to say that she is probably on a similar level as Mikasa in regards to her combat power.

How being frozen in a shell for years has impacted her fighting ability remains to be seen. It will be interesting to see what role she will play in the end of the final season.

3. Mikasa is a Powerful Ally

Mikasa saves Eren’s life quite frequently. The second strongest ackerman, Mikasa seems to be steadily closing the gap between herself and humanity’s strongest soldier. However, Mikasa’s genetic predisposition to protect Eren turns out to be something of a weakness to her. Whenever Eren is involved, she becomes emotionally compromised.

Still, she is easily one of the most lethal characters in Attack on Titan, and deserves a top position on this list.

2. Captain Levi is Humanity’s Strongest Soldier

At last — humanity’s strongest soldier. Time and time again Levi overcomes seemingly impossible odds only to come out on top. He has peak combat abilities, is levelheaded, and displays tactical brilliance in the heat of battle. Even after five years, Mikasa still does not edge out the older Ackerman.

1. Eren Yeager is Clearly the Strongest Character in Attack on Titan

As we head into the very last part of the very last season of Attack on Titan, it’s quite clear that Eren Yeager is the single strongest character in his universe. Previously, Eren was ranked a bit lower on this list thanks to the fact he hadn’t actually succeeded yet in a lot of battles. However, his power has reached such a degree that he must certainly be one of the strongest characters in anime of all time, not just in AOT.

He possesses the founding Titan’s ability, and multiple other Titan abilities that make him seemingly invincible. Oh, and not to mention he has control over the rumbeling (if the other stuff weren’t scary enough).

In fact, Eren is so powerful he’s basicaly the god of his won world – he can actually control his friends because many of them are Titans. However, for some reason he allows them freedom to confront him.

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Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of JosephWriterAnderson.com. You can learn more about him on the about page.


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