Pokemon TCG: Stellar Crown Most Expensive Cards
Stellar Crown focuses on the lands, characters, and Pokemon found in the Indigo Disk expansion of the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet video game.
Released on September 13, 2024, Stellar Crown is an incredible set due to its variety of highly collectible cards as well as mechanics that should bring welcome variety to a previously congested metagame.
Many of the cards you can pull from Stellar Crown booster packs will hold considerable value. But which reign supreme?
Below, we’ll be taking a look at which are the most valuable Stellar Crown chase cards of them all.
#1 Terrapagos ex Special Illustration Rare is the most expensive Stellar Crown Card
Market price: $78.08
Terrapagos ex’s Special Illustration card is the definitive Stellar Crown chase card. And it makes sense as it’s arguably the most gorgeous of the entire set. It goes hard on the Stellar Terastal phenomenon that is at the core of the Indigo Disk DLC, and features Terapagos ex in its most powerful Stellar form. The result is a beautiful and rare card that looks cut from gemstones.
What’s more, Terapagos ex is a hotly anticipated Pokemon for competitive players. Its Unified Beatdown attack pairs well with the new Area Zero Underdepths stadium from this set – enabling you to extend the number of Pokemon on your bench to eight.
Terapagos ex can be played in its own deck but also pairs well with other Pokemon like Palkia VSTAR who benefit from having a lot of benched Pokemon.
#2 Lacey – Special Illustration Rare
Market price: $28.85
Lacey is a memorable character from the Indigo Disk DLC, and she’s the first trainer from the Blueberry Academy you face. It’s quick to see (if you haven’t finished everything else from the main game like me) that Lacey is a force to be reckoned with, and good foretaste of how strong the rest of the Blueberry League is going to be.
Speaking of the Blueberry league, this card is unique in that it doesn’t only feature Lacey but also several other members of the Blueberry League Elite Four.
Lacey is already fetching a strong value on the secondary card market. While she can’t compete with Terapagos ex in terms of value, she’s still a strong chase for many and worth quite a bit like other supporters we’ve seen in the Scarlet & Violet era.
#3 & 4 Bulbasaur and Squirtle Illustration Rares
Market price: $40.84
Market price: $39.12
Whenever Kanto Starters make their way into alternate artworks, you can bet they’ll be valuable. These cards feature the two popular Pokemon in idealic settings that remind me of the incredibly valuable Eevee card from Twilight Masquerade. I wouldn’t underestimate these cards as they will likely end up being some of the most valuable once the set’s been out for a while.
I’m not sure why both cards feature Pidgeys in them as well, but it’s a nice touch. Of the two, my personal favorite is the Bulbasaur card with the Pidgey flying in through the window. It’s a more serene card that reminds me of afternoon naps in the summer when I was a kid.
#5 Hydrapple ex Special Illustration Rare
Market price: $35.39
Hydrapple ex is among the most hyped Pokemon cards coming out of Stellar Crown. While Stellar Crown will have plenty of cards that will impact the game, all the Teal Mask Ogerpon ex fans out there are excited to pair that engine with this one to see if it actually could be the game’s first grass type force in a while.
We’ll have to wait and see just how well this card fares competitively. But regardless of that, the artwork is impressive, looking like a holographic icon you’d find on the wall of some pyramid to Pokemon. With that in mind, the artwork actually reminds me a bit of the iconic Mew card they gave out as a Promo for the Pokemon 2000 movie.
Of course, the contemporary artwork here is hard to beat by a 2000 card, making this the top chase for many collectors and players.
#6 Galvantula ex Special Illustration Rare
Market price: $22.92
Another Stellar Tera type, Galvantula ex SIR is a gorgeous card with a few intriguing attacks. Charged web is a powerful attack to use against basic Pokemon ex or V, while it’s bigger, badder attack, Fulgurite, prevents your opponent from using items the following turn.
Playability aside, this card is highly collectible, and one of the most expensive in the set thanks to it’s intriguing if not quite beautiful artwork.
#7 Briar Special Illustration Rare
Market price: $19.73
Is it just me or does it look like Briar might be hanging out in the same room the Bulbasaur is taking a nap in?
Whether or not these two cards connect, this Briar card is pretty startling, featuring the prominent character delving into the depths of the Terastal phenomenon. Perhaps just as importantly is how effective the mechanic being introduced to the game with this supporter is. Effectively, Briar lets any old Tera Pokemon take an extra Prize card when they take a KO under certain situations.
That may not sound huge, but my guess is that it will be, adding even more reasons to play Tera Pokemon.
#8 Dachsbun ex Special Illustration Rare
Market price: $26.46
One of the guys who was at the prerelease pulled this Dachsbun ex SIR from his build and battle, and it looked really good. As a card, it probably won’t see a ton of play simply because it requires being evolved. But still a strong chase card for many in this expansion.
And there you have it! these are the cards I think are likely to be the most valuable in Stellar Crown once the set releases. Are there any you think should be included? Leave your thoughts int he comments section below!
#9 Area Zero Underdepths Hyper Rare
Market price: $17.02
There are two golds cards I’ll highlight on this list, and the first is the big new stadium from Stellar Crown: Area Zero Underdepths. This card was released in Japan’s sister set, Stellar Miracle, and went on to become one of the most valuable cards in that set.
However, I think it’s value state-side is going to largely be dependent on how much competitive play it sees.
#10 Terapagos ex Hyper Rare
Market price: $21.43
I like the way this Terapagos ex hyper rare card features its titular Pokemon in resplendent color, cast against a bejeweled and golden backdrop. Apparently the upcoming Terapagos ex Ultra Premium Collection is going to be including one of these gold cards in it, so that could impact it’s long term value. However, right now it’s trending quite high in its price.
#11 Terapagos ex
Market price: $6.90
In case you’ve missed it, there’s certainly a theme forming here around Terapagos ex in Stellar Crown. It’s the single most desirable Pokemon in the expansion, and that desirability has extended even into the double rare version of this card.
We’ve seen this before in sets where one Pokemon was overwhelmingly hyped, like in Obsidian Flames when the Charizard hype was enough to make the double rare version a chase in-and-of-itself.
Overtime, however, it’s likely this card will drop considerably in value as double rare cards are just not quite rare enough to ensure long term value.
#12 Bravery Charm Hyper Rare
Market price: $12.54
Bravery Charm should be pretty widely sought after by players, even if it is not the priciest of the gold cards. This Pokemon Tool is a powerful card that grants added HP to basic Pokemon. It’s used in a lot of decks and hyper rare versions of staple cards like this one tend to do really well on the secondary card market.