UNION ARENA: Green Saitama/King Deck List and Guide

Green Saitama is one of those decks that seems really cool on paper but in reality is anything but a piece of cake to pull off successfully. However, there’s more to playing TCGs than just winning. If you’re looking for a fun deck to play with one of the most unique mechanics in the game, Green Saitama is the deck for you. Just don’t expect for it to go be able to go toe-to-toe consistently with top meta decks. This deck is a bit sporadic in terms of how it performs. Manage to get off your game ending hit, however, and you’ll be feeling something like a hero yourself.

Let’s get into how this deck works below.

Green Saitama Deck List

King is the backbone of this deck

The title of this deck and article is a little misleading. Actually, this deck isn’t so much about Saitama as it is about King. King’s the main character in the deck, and his Raid is actually the primary engine that keeps the whole thing running.

In case this text-heavy card is a little confusing for you, just know that King is the primary engine that makes the deck work. He’s got everything you need (in theory) to power up your 15-cost Saitama. Let’s break down his effectiveness in a few bullet points.

  • Low energy cost makes him reasonable to field.

  • 5000 BP makes him relatively challenging to remove.

  • He cannot attack or block making him somewhat useless on the front line except for that…

  • He generates energy on the front line, enabling you to massively grow the amount of energy on your field.

  • He has an effect that lets you sideline the top three cards of your deck.

  • His When Played effect is pretty insane, letting you discard a Saitama and sideline an opposing character.

Mill Saitama with King’s effect and draw a card

One important thing to keep in mind when using King’s “Activate: Main” effect is that if one of the three cards you send to sideline are Saitama, you’ll be able to draw an additional card. You’re going to want to use this effect as often as possible as it will take a combination of plenty of cards in your sideline plus energy on the field to play Saitama.

How many cards do you need in your sideline? From what I’ve noticed it seems to be about 20 cards in sideline is the magic number. This effectively reduces the cost of Saitama to just 11. While that may sound like a lot, you are at eight even with just a full energy generating bench. That means one King on the front line or a few of the three-cost Genos on the energy line (the one who further reduces Saitama’s cost) puts you over the line.

Use Terrible Tornado for aggression

There’s a lot going on there as you can see, making King pretty essential to winning this deck. That’s also one of this deck’s weaknesses as having a bunch of characters on your front line who can’t attack or block is a hinderance to say the least.

For that reason, I’m fielding Terrible Tornado in order to help keep my opponent at bay while I build up to that powerful finishing move. Terrible Tornado is actually one of One Punch Man Green’s strongest characters. All you need is a hero in your hand to discard when you play her and she comes in active. Use her to keep your opponent on the defensive at least a little bit to make playing Saitama easier.

Speaking of keeping your opponent at bay, Raid Genos is needed for a similar reason. You can use Genos to go on the offensive, while also using him to defend against rush decks thanks to his double block effect.

Hit the threshold and play Saitama

Between all discard effects you’ll be playing and purposefully sending Saitama to the sideline, assuming you have him in hand when you meet the threshold to play him, Saitama is your end-of-game closer. While you have two different Saitama in your deck (both capable of finishing the game in one punch), it’s the SR version who is the stronger.

Not only does he have the insane Damage 7 keyword, he’s got Impact 3 and sidelines a character when attacking.

You’re almost guaranteed to win if you get this guy out.

Just be warned: it’s going to take everything you’ve got (and some excellent piloting) to field this behemoth attacker.

The Green Saitama/King deck is far from an easy deck to play. But play it well and you can snag a few wins. Bonus points for if you manage to do so with one punch!

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of JosephWriterAnderson.com. You can learn more about him on the about page.


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