Why Content is Needed More Now than Ever


It’s clear how society has changed. Thanks to innovations in technology, people can work from home when emergencies hit. But, so, too, has technology changed the way people buy, learn, and share information. Internet is not something that people typically shy away form using. Even in the best of times. However, with everyone stuck at home during this time, internet usage is up. You know what that means? People are searching for content. And it’s not just those funny memes and quarantine videos. It’s also not simply the news. People are also searching for information. The end result is, they are searching for content.

Content is powerful – and with content, we have the power to answer people’s questions. We also have the power to inspire, shape opinion, and ultimately change the world. Businesses, however, also stand with much to gain from creating content. Where do they arrive in organic search, compared to their competitors? How does their content compare to the content of their rivals? Is it more compelling? Does it tell their story?

The “Why” is What Matters

When someone lands on your website, what is it that’s going to cause you them to purchase from you? Is it because of how great your product is? Or is it something else. Without even getting into the nitty gritty of how your product works, or how much better it is than the competition, there’s one infinitely important thing that has to happen. They have to engage with your brand in a meaningful way. How can you make sure that someone’s first impression of you is the best possible impression?

I suppose there are a host of ways you can reach your target audience. For small businesses, growing brands, and even large corporations that might not yet be a household name, one of the most efficient, affordable ways to connect with customers is through an effective and powerful content strategy. Through content, you can tell your story – and share the why you do what you do, not just what it is that you do.

“People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe” – Simon Sinek

Everyone Expects to Engage with You Now Through Content

Content is not just an important part of your overall digital marketing strategy – it is its most core and integral part. In fact, an increasingly content-heavy world only furthers this point – people buy from companies and brands with stellar content. Having an active blog, for example, while your competitor does not, can make the difference between landing that prized and coveted customer, or not. Similarly, recruiting is tough. It’s hard to land the best and brightest, especially for businesses whose brand name is not yet known around the world.

With so much content everywhere, people expect you, too, to meet a higher standard of content creation than has ever been demanded or expected in history. The increase in content everywhere has not eliminated content’s overwhelming importance. It has only increased its necessity. And don’t worry. There might be a lot content in the world. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t still stand out in your niche!

Using Social Media Content to Grow Your Business

Social media is a stellar way to leverage content to improve the way your brand is experienced by potential employees and businesses. Even a strong personal social media profile can help you land new networking opportunities. We’ve successfully made the leap into a digital culture – just about everyone, it seems, is on social media today. And you don’t have to be someone with 20 thousand followers or a bonafide social media influencer in order to reap the many rewards of various platforms. Just being findable via social, and having something interesting or unique to say can mean the difference between landing that new job, employee, or client, depending on your need.

Beyond branding, social media is an important way to get your message out there and into the world. It’s so handy, in fact, that the vast majority of marketers say it is an effective part of their business strategy. By dipping their toes into social media, businesses and brands can enter the intimate spaces their desired audience inhabit, and interact with them one-on-one. What’s more, by showing an active social media presence, brands build trust.

Content is King in a Digital World

Right now, brands, businesses, leaders and influencers around the world are working hard to create awesome to reach audiences. There’s no better way to connect with people, especially when everyone is so isolated, and disconnected. And with massive online usage due to the virus, the demand is certainly there. When crises happen, it’s clear that one thing will still remain – the internet’s power to connect people with your message. There’s never been a more important time for content.

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of JosephWriterAnderson.com. You can learn more about him on the about page.


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