How to Not Take Someone for Granted


Some of the best people are also the easiest to take for granted. They are always there for us when we need them, always picking up after us, helping us through difficult times, or simply doing all the work with none of the glory. And because these kinds of people are often selfless and humble on top of all their other great qualities, they can go unnoticed more easily than the more diva-like people we all know.

The good news is, you can avoid taking these great people for granted. Whether it be your spouse, a friend, a colleague or a teacher – here are a few ways to show your appreciation for someone.

Stop Talking About Yourself for a Minute

We’re usually thinking about ourselves. It’s no wonder, then, why we like to talk about ourselves a lot, too. If you find there’s someone in your life always doing the listening, then chances are you are taking that person for granted. The way to counter this is actually pretty simple and straightforward. Just stop talking about yourself, even if for just a moment. Or simply ask a question about how the other person is doing. By directing your mental energy towards listening and asking questions, you’ll not only help them feel interested in, it will help you pay more attention to them in the future.

Set Aside Some Time

Often, being “busy” all the time stems from over self indulgence with our own lives and preoccupations. If there is someone in your life you find you’ve taken for granted, one of the easiest ways to turn the tide on past behavior is to make time for that person. It doesn’t have to be much. It can be as simple as a phone call, or a little note.

Stay in the Moment

In the movie “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood”, Mr. Rogers, played by Tom Hanks, is on the phone talking to the anti-hero of the film. Mr Rogers tells the hero that at this very moment he is entirely focused on talking to him and only on that. Wow. How many of us can say we’ve fully focused on just one person and only one person in the last year? It’s so incredibly easy to stay distracted – texting, surfing the web, scrolling through social media. Why not try putting the phone away and the work away and staying entirely focused on the person you are with?

Realize the Value in What They Do, and Tell Them About It

Chances are, if there’s someone you’ve been taking for granted, you might not fully think about the contribution that person makes. Whether that be to a company, to a role, or even just in your life as a friend, you probably haven’t been paying much attention to how much contribution that person is making. Reflect on how integral that person’s role is in your life, and tell them about it frequently. Affirm and acknowledge often. Not only will it make others feel appreciated, it will reinforce the value of others in your own mind.

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of You can learn more about him on the about page.


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