10 Strongest Jedi/Sith in Star Wars Ranked


10. Darth Maul

It’s a shame that we don’t get to see more of Maul in the movies. However, if you feel like you could use a little more Maul in your life, he actually doesn’t (SPOILER ALERT) die in the Phantom Menace. In fact, he survives long enough to become a force to be reckoned with in both the Clone Wars and Rebels animated shows.

Maul is a powerful swordsman, able to stand toe-to-toe with Asoka Tano and Qui Gon Jinn, while also capable of some very impressive feats with the force.

9. Qui Gon Jinn

Qui Gon doesn’t have a lot to show for his dueling skills, but his power and knowledge of the living force is impressive. So impressive that it is he who teaches Obi-Wan yet again while on Tattoine. What’s more, Qui Gon is the only Jedi to actually recognize the incredible potential in Anakin Skywalker, further showing his proficiency in the force.

8. Ahsoka Tano

Not included in the main movies, Tano is a powerful Jedi incredibly gifted with dueling and swordplay. She is able to fight and even beat Darth Maul, and hold her own against Darth Vader. She probably had the potential to reach even higher up on this list, however her training was cut short due to some tragic events, and she left the Jedi order, not really able to harness the full power of the Jedi, or of the Sith.

7. Mace Windu

Windu was probably the strongest sword fighter of his time. This is shown perhaps no better than when he bested Darth Sidious in a confrontation – something Yoda wasn’t even able to do. Most likely, Windu’s incredible ability comes largely from his special form that leverages aggression – something most Jedi are warned away from using.

6. Kylo Ren

Ren never lives up to his potential, really, thanks to his angsty, whiney nature. Although he could have been one of the strongest force wielders in history, his hangups cause him to never reach the height of power that his family members, like Luke and Anakin, reached before him.

Still, he is capable of some pretty impressive feats of the force, like freezing things, and an accomplished swordsman. He also has incredible telepathy skills reminiscent of Vader.

5. Luke Skywalker

Luke has some pretty incredible feats to his name. Technically, he toppled the empire and helped defeat two of the most powerful Sith in history. He also does some pretty cool stuff in Star Wars The Last Jedi. And yet, he’s not the greatest of all time.

His being able to beat the Sith was largely thanks to his father’s conflicted feelings towards him. Darth Vader pretty much beat himself and Sidious. So Luke’s powerful…but not THAT powerful.

Still, he comes back in subsequent movies and shows and demonstrates just how much knowledge of the force he has in fact gained – like bi-locating himself, and demonstrating incredible mastery in combat.

4. Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan shows incredible talent from an early age. He remains untainted by the dark side his entire life, and grows ever more powerful through his training under Qui Gon Jinn both in life and death. He is powerful enough as a Padawan to defeat a fully fledged Sith Lord (Darth Maul) and once again strong enough to go head to head with the most powerful Sith in history (more on that later).

In the end, Obi-Wan’s incredible connection with the force leads him to sacrifice himself so that he may guide young Luke to fulfill his destiny of bringing balance to the force.

3. Master Yoda

Ancient, and perhaps the greatest Jedi to ever live, Yoda is proficient in all ways of the light side of the force. In his battle against Sidious, he is able to hang in there with the dark lord pretty much on an equal playing field. However, it seems that in the end his old age and lack of physical prowess got the best of him.

Still, it is without a doubt that Yoda is one of the greatest force wielders of all time, and probably the greatest Jedi that ever was.

2. Darth Sidious

Darth Sidious is probably the most powerful true Sith Lord to ever live. He brought about the end of the republic and the Jedi pretty much on his own, and then even survived death to come back and do some crazy stuff in those darn Star Wars sequels.

Many consider Sidious to be even more powerful than Darth Vader. However, Vader seems to possess even greater ability than his master. After all, it is Vader who defeats Sidious and brings balance to the force (sort of).

1. Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker

Anakin, aka Darth Vader, is a hard guy to talk about in regards to where he fits into Star Wars history. On the one hand, he was probably the most powerful Sith to ever live. On the other hand, he never really fully became a Sith. And yet, he was always something a little more than a Jedi, too. Well, I guess that’s what happens when you are the chosen one conceived by “midi-chlorians”.

Anakin was the chosen one – the single person ordained by the force to bring about its balance once and for all. Although that didn’t really happen through him (it happened through his son…and then later his…grandson?), he still gets credits for bringing about balance.

Vader was more powerful of a duelist than any other person on this list, and contained more raw force power than any other being in history. It’s hard to say what would have happened had he not turned to the dark side. Would staying a Jedi have hampered his potential? Or did getting burned up and put in a suit reduce his power?

Either way, this guy is not somebody you want to piss off.

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of JosephWriterAnderson.com. You can learn more about him on the about page.


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