2nd Place Gyarados VMAX/Arceus Deck List and Guide
No one expected a Gyarados VMAX/Arceus VSTAR deck to be a finalist at the Sacramento regionals. This just goes to show you how much less static the Pokemon TCG meta is than many give it credit for.
In this guide, we’re going to be taking a look at the deck list that Niccolo Abate used to finish in second place at the 1400 person regional in Sacramento.
Gyarados VMAX/Arceus VSTAR Deck List
2nd Place Regional Sacramento, CA - Niccolo Abate
4 Arceus V BRS 122
3 Arceus VSTAR BRS 123
2 Bidoof CRZ 111
2 Bibarel BRS 121
1 Slaking V PGO 58
1 Gyarados V EVS 28
1 Gyarados VMAX EVS 29
1 Radiant Greninja ASR 46
3 Judge SVI 176
2 Iono PAL 185
2 Melony CRE 146
2 Boss's Orders PAL 172
1 Serena SIT 164
1 Cheren's Care BRS 134
4 Ultra Ball SVI 196
4 Nest Ball SVI 181
1 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146
1 Switch SVI 194
1 Escape Rope BST 125
1 Lost Vacuum CRZ 135
1 Pal Pad SVI 182
1 Choice Belt PAL 176
1 Defiance Band SVI 169
1 Vengeful Punch OBF 197
4 Path to the Peak CRE 148
8 Water Energy 3
3 Double Turbo Energy BRS 151
2 V Guard Energy SIT 169
1 Jet Energy PAL 190
Gyarados VMAX/Arceus Card Ratio
Gyarados VMAX/Arceus VSTAR Deck Strategy
The beauty of this deck rests in its straightforwardness. Unlike the deck that won first place at the Sacramento Regionals, this deck doesn’t have an attacker to combat each and every deck in the meta. Instead, it goes for a direct, consistent power play, leveraging Arceus VSTAR for what Arceus VSTAR does so well (card search, energy acceleration), and cleaning up shop with a combination of secondary attackers that pack a heavy punch – albeit in vastly different ways.
1. Get your board setup with Arceus V and Bidoof
Despite giving a lot of the credit to this deck to Gyarados VMAX, Arceus VSTAR is of course the backbone of this deck. Success here means getting Arceus VSTAR up and going early. This means you will need to get an Arceus V into play first thing. Ideally, you’d start with an Arceus V in the active spot. However, that isn’t always possible.
If you do end up getting stuck with another card in the active, this deck does have a Switch, and Escape Rope, and a Jet Energy to help you out. Getting a Bidoof into play early will pay off in dividends later on, allowing you to replenish your hand even as you offset your opponent’s with cards like Iono and Judge.
2. Accelerate energies onto second Arceus
Most of the time, you are going to be looking to power up a second Arceus VSTAR after you’ve powered up your first one. Luckily, that’s pretty easy to do thanks to Trinity Nova. After you’ve taken your first few prize cards with your front line of Arceus, you can start lining up your secondary attackers depending on the situation you find yourself in.
3. Play path after Starbirth
You should be looking to get a Starbirth off each and every game, as doing so will enable you to pull key cards to pull ahead in the prize race. Unlike older Arceus VSTAR decks, however, this deck does play a Lost Vacuum card, helping you overcome the scenario where your opponent beats you to the Path, thereby forever shutting off your Starbirth ability.
Once you have gotten your Starbirth off, you can safely play Path and hamper your opponent’s abilities.
4. Take selective knockouts with your secondary attackers
You have several secondary attackers and several Pokemon tools to help buff them up. Your Gyarados VMAX helps you dish out incredible damage while also taking hits thanks to its high HP. Also, don’t underestimate the importance of its Hyper Beam attack which can be used to take out damaged Pokemon or slow them down by discarding an energy.
Meanwhile, your Slaking V can dish out enough to OHKO VSTAR Pokemon when buffed by either Choice Belt or Defiance Band.
Lastly, Radiant Greninja can take shots at the bench whenever a Manaphy isn’t present, while also enabling you to draw extra cards, or put a well placed water energy into your discard for you to then Melony back onto your Pokemon V.
Gryados VMAX/Arceus VSTAR Deck – Key Cards
Arceus VSTAR
Arceus VSTAR is critical to this deck’s success. It functions as your main attacker while accelerating energies to your Pokemon, and enabling powerful card search with Starbirth.
Gyarados VMAX
Gyarados VMAX is your strongest and most effective secondary attacker. Not only is it incredibly tough to take out, it can dish out enough damage to OHKO Pokemon VSTAR and many Pokemon ex, especially when combined with Vengeful Punch.
Vengeful Punch
I love the inclusion of this card in this list. By adding an extra 4 damage counters, you make your opponent think twice about taking knockouts against your Pokemon.