Best Amber/Steel “Steelsong” Deck List and Guide (Set 6)
Looking for the best Steelsong deck to bring to your next Lorcana tournament? I have you covered. Below, we’ll be looking at one of the best Lorcana deck right now: the formidable and proven Amber/Steel Steelsong deck – updated to Lorcana’s sixth set, Azurite Sea.
Amber/Steel “Steelsong” Deck List
4 A Whole New World
4 And Then Along Came Zeus
4 Ariel - Spectacular Singer
4 Cinderella - Ballroom Sensation
2 Cinderella - Stouthearted
3 Lawrence - Jealous Manservant
4 Let the Storm Rage On
4 Mr. Smee - Bumbling Mate
4 Pete - Games Referee
3 Pluto - Guard Dog
3 Prince Naveen - Ukulele Player
4 Rapunzel - Gifted with Healing
4 Robin Hood - Beloved Outlaw
4 Robin Hood - Champion of Sherwood
4 Strength of a Raging Fire
4 Ursula - Vanessa
2 World's Greatest Criminal Mind
Ink Type
Card Types
Amber/Steel Deck – Basic Strategy
Amber/Steel is a highly aggressive deck that looks to destroy your opponent’s field while quickly accelerating lore before your opponent can build up significant resources or high power characters.
There are many different ways to build Amber/Steel and they typically range from more song/damage dealing focused to more aggro focused, with this deck being on the more traditional Steelsong side of the spectrum. That means instead of looking to gain hyper amounts of lore with Diasy Duck or Piglet Pirate, you’re looking to utterly dominate your opponent while building up a more powerful board than they can muster under a constant onslaught of songs.
Powerful early game singers help you dominate the board
One of Steelsong’s strongest plays leverages the formidable Cinderella – Ballroom sensation to start singing powerful, damage inducing songs as early as turn two. This can be absolutely devestating to your opponent as it prevents them from building up valuable shift targets or other onboard resources that could help them later in the game.
Cinderella, however, isn’t your only powerful singer. You also have Ursula – Vanessa. You can use her to sing even more powerful songs pretty early on, too.
Not only can Ursula sing the regular gamut of powerful Steel songs – she’s also great for singing And Along Came Zeus – a card that’s out of reach for Cinderella.
Ursula Vanessa
Use her or Cinderella to sing the powerful Let the Storm Rage On song card that lets you dish out damage while also drawing a card. Additionally, she can sing the Strength of a Raging Fire. Use this song to tackle stronger foes (if you have plenty of characters in play). Both are excellent options for keeping your opponent’s board clear while you look to gain the advantage.
Let the Storm Rage On – Song
Strength of a Raging Fire – Song
Mr. Smee adds an early game aggro element to this deck
While this deck is not nearly as aggressive as other Amber/Steel lists we’ve seen perform well in the meta, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have any good questers to help you get ahead early on in the game. Indeed, Smee is a very helpful and versatile character, enabling you to gain lore or banish characters in a challenge as need be.
Mr. Smee isn’t the only character this deck has to offer in that realm however, as it also runs Lawrence as many Steelsong decks due, taking advantage of his high strength stat and two lore as well.
Robin Hood is your secret weapon
Robin Hood – Champion of Sherwood is one of the best cards in Into the Inklands, and virtually ever Steel deck now uses him. His Shift 3 keyword ability means he can be played as early as turn three, and he’s got several powerful abilities, letting you gain lore when he banishes characters, and letting you draw a card when he’s banished.
Play one-cost Robin Hood turn one and quickly Shift him into his much stronger version.
Robin Hood – Beloved Outlaw
The Queen – Commanding Presence
Another advantage of shifting into five-cost Robin Hood on turn three is that as early as that you can sing powerful song cards like Grab Your Sword, A Whole New World or And Along Came Zeus. To help you pull these powerful songs from your deck, you have Ariel. Her “Musical Debut” ability lets you search the top cards of your deck for a song card and add that card to your hand.
Ariel – Spectacular Singer
Ariel is no slouch on her own, either. She may only be a three-cost character, but she has the helpful Singer 5 ability, enabling her to sing cards that otherwise she normally wouldn’t be able to.
The strongest draw card in the game
Amber/Steel benefits (like all Steel decks) from access to the single strongest draw support card in the game: A Whole New World. Although there are plenty of strong draw cards now in Lorcana, A Whole New World still stands head-and-shoulders above the rest.
A Whole New World
Many consider A Whole New World to not only be the single strongest draw support card in the game but also the single most key card of the Amber/Steel deck. However, you need to be careful in how you use it. The best scenario is to use it when you have the advantage and can also sing it with one of your characters. If you sing it with a full Inkwell, you can then use your new resources before you opponent can, stacking up your board with powerful characters or dishing out damage with songs.
Additional draw support
Just in case you thought that was plenty of draw support as it was, this deck also runs several copies of Rapunzel – Gifted with Healing to draw cards for each damage healed.
Pete and Prince Naveen from Shimmering Skies make a big splash
Two of the most important new cards to come out of Shimmering Skies and also included in this deck are Pete and Prince Naveen. Although both are very different cards at heart, they can be used to gain an upper-hand against most decks. On the one hand, Pete prevents your opponent from playing actions. That’s handy against just about every meta relevant deck out the right now, with a few notable exceptions.
Meanwhile, Naveen enables you to play a powerful six cost song early on in the game for free! While that’s not an effect you’ll be getting off over and over again in a game, it can certainly turn the tide of battle.
Pluto is the bodyguard we didn’t know we needed
Lastly the character I’m most surprised to see have an impact in Amber/Steel is Pluto – Guard Dog. Seeing him in play once, however, is enough to show you why it is that this formidable bodyguard character is now a staple in many Steel decks. The combination of relatively low cost, bodyguard, and ability that grants him a strength of five so long as he doesn’t have damage on him is insane, making him very, very painful indeed to take out with a challenge.
If Pluto sustains some damage without being taken out (a real possibility given that solid will power stat of five), simply play a Rapunzel from The First Chapter to heal it right up and draw a few cards while you’re at it.
Amber/Steel Steelong Matchup Guide
Ruby/Sapphire: this is your toughest matchup. As a deck that focuses on dishing out damage early to dominate the game, your strategy is largely nullified against Ruby/Sapphire which doesn’t need much in the way of characters on the board until later. Focus your songs on Flaversham to get rid of draw support and “Bare Necessities” to send items to the discard before they can be played.
As a last resort, you can also deck Ruby/Sapphire out with A Whole New World but this is a risky play to perform as you need to hit a lot of things just right to get it off.
Players who anticipate running into a high number of Ruby/Sapphire might consider adding in a few more aggro characters like Daisy Duck or item banishing characters like Benja.
This is a decent matchup as you can certainly do a significant amount of damage to your opponent’s characters and prevent them from getting lore and resources before they drop Be Prepared. Meanwhile, A Whole New World is a powerful way to get unwanted Be Prepared cards into the discard while keeping your hand restocked with what you need to rebuild your board following a board clear.
This is a strong matchup for you as your opponent’s characters will largely be fodder against your powerful retinue of songs.
You should have the upper hand against most Emerald/Steel decks as you can get rid of Diablo with relative ease while also drawing your way out of a discard via A Whole New World.
All said, Amber/Steel is an incredibly strong deck in the current Lorcana meta, and will likely be a popular combo for some time to come.