The 5 Best Disney Lorcana Decks Right Now (2025)

What are the best Lorcana meta decks right now?

Archazia’s Island, Lorcana’s seventh set, brought with it even more powerful item-focused cards, driving decks like Sapphire/Steel to the very top of the heap.

That’s the biggest change that’s occured: a deck that had for some time fallen out of the meta rising so rapidly to the center of attention.

Otherwise, the Lorcana meta has many familiar faces you should recognize. Below, let’s dive into some decks from the Lorcana community that are making waves competitively.

#1 Sapphire/Steel is the new best Lorcana deck

This is the deck that won first place at the Archazia’s Island Battle Bear Tournament: a tournament pretty well known for hosting high-profile tournaments soon after Lorcana release dates.

This deck was piloted by Pew85 to an impressive first place finish. It really does leverage some of the best new tools at Sapphire’s disposal, including the much hyped Belle character.

Given Sapphire/Steel’s proclivity to field low cost items turn one and two, playing Belle for free gives you a pretty rapid burst and momentum to leverage against your opponents from the get-go. This deck really does play like an aggro deck, as much of the Lorcana meta has veered. Using a host of powerful questers, and cards like Calhoun who can win challenges and also gain lore, you’re sitting pretty in the current meta with this deck.

Another powerful tech this version of Sapphire/Steel includes is the new Gantu character.

Presumably you’d use this guy to gain the upper-hand in Sapphire/Steel’s traditional nemesis – Ruby/Sapphire. Once you’ve played your low cost items, slap Gantu into play and Ruby/Sapphire suddenly has to put in more work to field their items. You probably wouldn’t use this tech against most decks as you won’t want to pay extra for your own items. But I can see this being a huge advantage in certain matchups.

#2 Ruby/Sapphire

2nd of 140 by RBT_WiseBadger

Just when you thought Ruby/Sapphire couldn’t get any more deadly, it just does. Here we also see the new Belle card getting leveraged because…well…why not? She’s easy to have around early in the game for free assuming you’ve fielded one of those handy Pawpsicles you like to play anyways as a Ruby/Sapphire player.

As if that weren’t enough, a new Scrooge McDuck character card in the latest set can do something similar but comes with added benefits.

It really is crazy to see item-focused decks having gone from where they were in The First Chapter as something of a gimmick to being the most powerful mechanic in the game they way they are today.

While Scrooge McDuck may have a handy item search ability, it pales in comparison to the new Tamatoa card.

This insane character lets you bring items back to your hand from your discard, and even play items for free. It’s quickly becoming the hottest card of set seven and the price tag reflects it.

Apart from these powerful new tools (among a few others), Ruby/Sapphire works much the same as it always has – leveraging a plethora of powerful items, insane ramp, and powerful Ruby-colored characters capable of decimating the opposing board.

Lastly, I really should mention the single Dual-Ink character included in this top-tier deck, and that is the new Belle Floodborn character. I’m really happy to see her included in this list as she is pretty cool of a card, and it’s nice to know that at least some Dual-Ink cards are going to be popular in the Archazia’s Island meta.

While Belle quests for three lore, and has a Repurpose ability that unlocks additional lore gains, the real selling point of this card to me is that she can essentially be played for free. You’ll have to use the Shift mechanic to make this work, but if you’ve played a three-cost Belle for free that turn by banishing an item, you can then easily hit that threshold for a free shift.

That’s some pretty insane versatility from this new card, and I love to see it making waves in one of the most powerful Ink combos in the history of Lorcana.

#3 Ruby/Amethyst Bounce Control

Who said Ruby/Amethyst was down for the count? The deck that won the North American Championships in Disneyland certainly doesn’t want to go easily into the night and is putting up a solid fight in set seven’s meta. Again, this deck is working the same as it always has, leveraging effective when played effects via Merlin Rabbit and Merlin Goat to keep your draw going strong while devastating your opponent via Ruby’s powerful cards.

This deck does include some solid new cards from the latest set, and one of those is the Dual-Ink Hades.

At six-cost Uninkable, this guy’s actually pretty solid, and his ability that lets you banish a three-cost character or less is highly relevant in the aggressive meta we find ourselves in. He pairs particularly well with the Belle Floodborn character who has become a popular choice in Amethyst decks. Use this Hades to deal damage to your own character, and then play Belle to move that damage around strategically.

Apart from Hades, the other card included in this deck that really stands out is the latest Queen character to make her way into the game.

This Queen Character lets you gain lore pretty quickly, and also could be used as a solid counter to Ruby/Sapphire decks that love to get items into the discard. It’s a solid, meta-relavent choice to include in your Ruby/Amethyst Bounce Control deck and certainly helps this classic deck feel current.

Clearly, this deck isn’t ready to go anywhere and I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see it continue to perform well in the format.

#4 Emerald/Steel Discard

Are you ready for a blast from the past? Well…here’s Emerald/Steel Discard, still making waves in Lorcana set seven. This deck totally works the way we’ve seen Emerald/Steel decks work in the past with actually very little variation.

We’re still using Prince John to gain additional upside from discarding your opponent’s hand. Really, the only net new tool at your disposal in this deck list is the Dual-Ink Pete character.

Since you’re going to be playing three-cost Pete anyways to shut off action cards, why not pay four Ink to Shift him into this Space Pirate Pete?

For the most part, Pete Space Pirate is just here to prevent your opponent from exerting to sing songs, making it a particularly strong counter to Amber/Steel and some Sapphire/Steel decks. However, you can also grant some added resist to Smee. While that’s not reason enough to field this card alone, don’t ignore it as it could help keep your two-cost pirate quester alive longer.

#5 Amethyst/Steel Aggro

Finally, we have Amethyst/Steel Bounce Aggro – a deck that’s already been placing highly at multiple Archazia’s Island tournaments.

Ultimately, this deck just has a lot going for it. It’s got the bounce package that’s still one of the strongest engines in the game. It’s got the strongest Steel spells to dish out damage. And it’s got an insane aggro edge that has you gaining lore quickly without looking back.

Cards like Calhoun help greatly in that department while slowing your opponent down, while The White Rose is a particularly solid choice as you can target it with your Madam Mims to play it over and over again, and gain more lore.

The newest card to make its way into the deck is the Dual-Ink Giant Cobra character card.

Weighing in at four strength and four willpower, this king cobra is no laughing matter. For only three Ink you can play it and discard a card to gain two lore. While you’ll need to be running plenty of cards that let you draw if you want to use this card often, that shouldn’t be a problem given Amethyst’s penchant for drawing cards.

Ultimately, this deck likes to play low-to-the-ground, and edge out other aggro decks to the finishing line via powerful songs.

It’s a great deck and a solid choice for your own Lorcana tournament.

While Archazia’s Island hasn’t brought any “new” decks altogether into the top tiers of the Lorcana meta, it certainly has introduces many powerful new cards that have helped shake things up. Dual-Ink cards have proven themselves to be a mainstay in the game, while aggro decks continue to fair well as the game gets ever faster.

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of You can learn more about him on the about page.


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