Archazia’s Island: Wendy Pirate Queen Boosts Pirate Decks
Although it didn’t make a splash competitively, Amber/Ruby pirates was a solid strategy that debuted in Azurite Sea. With an entire starter deck themed around it, and past powerhouses like Piglet Pirate Captain in the mix, the Amber/Ruby Pirate Deck is fun, fast, and well-themed.
However, Lorcana recently spoiled a card from Archazia’s Island that works really well with this strategy: Wendy Darling – Pirate Queen.
Breaking down Wendy Darling – Pirate Queen
There are several things going for this card. First of all, Wendy is Evasive while also having a pretty solid mixture of five strength with seven will power. Those combined make her a solid threat in the game where Evasive characters still grant a considerable edge.
The fact that she’s a Pirate and Captain character help her work especially well with other characters available to the Amber/Ruby pirate strategy. For example, cards like Wendy – Pirate Captain gains helpful stat boosts by having another pirate character in play. In this case, Wendy becomes a character who quests for two lore when she has another pirate character on board.
Tell No Tales can work well in an aggro deck
Amber/Ruby Pirates works like an aggro deck, filled with plenty of characters that can gain lore while avoiding getting taken out via challenges largely thanks to powerful Evasive characters and abilities that grant evasiveness. However, characters will still innevitably be banished.
You can lean into that to gain lore thanks to Hundred Acre Island. Additionally, Tell No Tales lets you get a little kick back from having cards getting banished. Use it to heal up your bigger characters like Wendy Pirate Queen herself or maybe the Moana Pirate character that comes with the Azurite Sea starter deck.
That being said, Wendy – Pirate Queen’s main effectiveness is not the Tell No Tales ability but instead her classification as a Pirate, her powerful stats and Evasiveness.
While she’s not going to be the most competitively effective card in the world, for players wanting to build on the undeniably fun Pirate strategy, this will work as a solid later game character to help close things out.