Pokemon TCG: Destined Rivals Set Officially Announced

Destined Rivals – the Pokemon TCG’s second main set of 2025 – has been officially announced and will be releasing everywhere on May 30, 2025.

This set is going to be absolutely massive as it is the first time Team Rocket Pokemon have been a part of the Pokemon TCG since 2004. The announcement comes just days after the Japanese sister set was officially announced for April 19, 2025. Called “The Glory of Team Rocket,” singles and special products (like the Team Rocket briefcase) cause a huge stir online.

Destined Rivals, however, promises to be even bigger. The combination of two different Japanese sets, Destined Rivals will include cards from both Heat Wave Arena as well as the upcoming “Glory of Team Rocket.”

For more spoilers and info, check out my early look at Destined Rivals.

Pokemon TCG: Destined Rivals set details

Pokémon Trainers, be on high alert! The nefarious Team Rocket is setting its latest plan into motion, and heroic Trainers are racing to stop it. Join forces with the likes of Cynthia and Garchomp ex, Ethan and Ho-Oh ex, or Arven and Mabosstiff ex… Or reconsider your loyalties and fight alongside Team Rocket’s Pokémon like Mewtwo ex—under the command of Giovanni! Choose a side, assemble your allies, and battle boldly in the Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet—Destined Rivals expansion!

  • Over 240 cards

  • Over 85 Trainer’s Pokémon, including over 45 Team Rocket’s Pokémon

  • More than 15 Pokémon ex

  • More than 20 Trainer cards

  • More than 45 Pokémon and Trainer cards with special illustrations

Destined Rivals Elite Trainer Box artwork leaked

While we’ve already had a look at some of the special accessories included in this set, we now also have a look at what the Elite Trainer Box is going to look like.

The ETB featured notorious Team Rocket Leader, Giovanni, and his Mewtwo that he famously persuaded to join him (albeit briefly). Mewtwo ex has also been leaked as a card included in Glory of Team Rocket, and we will undoubtedly be getting that card in this set as well.

The ETB will include a Team Rocket’s Wobbuffet promo card.

Destined Rivals booster pack artworks

In the official press release, the Pokemon Company International revealed the official English artwork for Destined Rivals, featuring a combination of Rocket’s Pokemon and trainers alongside “the good guys” which include Garchomp and Cynthia.

This alligns well with the set’s focus on choosing sides between rival trainers or just going all in on trouble with Team Rocket.

Destined Rivals prerelease promos revealed

Destined Rivals

As sometimes happens, we’ve gotten the images for the Destined Rivals Prerelease Promos which will be part of the prerelease period for the set starting May 17, 2025. Obtainable in the Build and Battle Box, these promos also follow the same pattern of good guys vs. bad guys with Misty’s Gyarados, Ethan’s Typhlosion, and two Team Rocket’s Pokemon. This should be a very fun prerelease as you can really theme your deck around your specific archetype.

Destined Rivals features Iconic trainers

While Team Rocket being included in this set is going to turn a lot of heads (and already has), there are also a plethora of additional, powerful and well loved trainers making their way back into the game. The most noteworthy has to be Cynthia coming into play alongside her famous Garchomp. The SIR version of this card has already been revealed as part of Heatwave Arena and is going to be worth an absolute fortune when it hits the market.


Additional trainer’s Pokemon we are getting in the set include Misty, Ethan, and Arven.

Destined Rivals follows the precedent kicked-off by Journey Together in featuring Trainer’s Pokemon. Unlike the earliest Rocket sets, Team Rocket’s Pokemon will be similar to trainer’s Pokemon. Only in this case they’re simply called “Team Rocket’s” Pokemon with individual trainers pictures on the card (see Mewtwo ex above for an example).

This should create a plethora of unique and distinct deck strategies to choose from – something which will greatly enliven the meta.

Stay tuned for more updates as I will be updating this page with new, officially revealed card images as they become available!

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of JosephWriterAnderson.com. You can learn more about him on the about page.


The Most Expensive Destined Rivals Pokemon Cards


Tera Box Deck List and Guide