The 10 Best Cards in Lorcana: Shimmering Skies

Shimmering Skies is Lorcana’s fifth set and it will be released on August 9th. Disney Lorcana has already revealed several powerful cards from the set that could have a huge impact on the game. In this list, we’ll be taking a look at the strongest Shimmering Skies cards revealed so far, and we’ll be updating it as more cards are revealed.

#1 Merlin – Intellectual Visionary

In the trailer released by Lorcana helping announce the fifth set, we get a glimpse of this Merlin glimmer almost right away. This card snuck its way onto the internet not much later via Lorcana themselves, and understandably it’s causing quite the commotion.

Historically, Lorcana has had very limited card search options. Merlin grants you the ability to search your deck for any card. Merlin could singlehandedly bolster any deck running Sapphire, and will most certainly replace the other Floodborn character of the same cost, Gaston – Intellectual Powerhouse.

#2 Elsa – The Fifth Spirit

#2 Elsa – The Fifth Spirit

I was excited to see this card revealed because of how needed it is in the current meta, especially for Amethyst decks. The closest card that I can think of for comparison to this card is the massively popular Maui – Hero to All. While this card lacks the sheer strength of that card, it has plenty else going for it. For starters, it has Rush, meaning it can be played to quickly wipe out opposing characters. It also has Evasive, making it a surefire way to deal with pesky cards like Diablo that are currently running rampant in the game.

Last but not least, Crystalize is a powerful unique ability, making it even more certain that you can target and destroy unwanted Evasive characters before they cause too much damage.

While we’ve had other characters with a similar combination of keywords, the most notable ones were uninkable. Making this Elsa Inkable hugely impacts her playability and I’m excited to add her to my Sapphire/Amethyst deck I’m already playing.

#3 You’re Welcome

You're Welcome

Deceptively simple, this four-cost Inkable card is remarkably helpful, versatile enough to clear the board of anything you want: character, item or location. This card is going to be massively helpful to Emerald decks making them even more versatile than they already are. While the fact that your opponent gets to draw two cards after this song is played is a small bummer, it probably won’t have any negative impact at all most of the time given how good Emerald is at discarding cards.

#4 Vision of the Future 160/204

Vision of the Future 160/204

It doesn’t surprise me that Merlin’s Floodborn Glimmer would be featured on this card given how prominently he was featured in the trailer leading up to Shimmering Skies. What does surprise me, however, is how strong this card is. It’s a lot like Develop Your brain – a card that’s seen a lot of play – only it lets you search the top five cards of your deck instead of only two.

I think this is a pretty compelling card, although given it is two-cost players might still prefer the one-cost Develop Your Brain.

#5 Robin Hood – Timely Contestant

Robin Hood – Timely Contestant

The damage ping deck with Emerald and Steel paired with Beast Relentless is one of my favorite Lorcana decks to date, and this card gives that deck strategy a phenomenal end game strategy apart from just Beat Relentless. There’s a lot to be said about this card – its phenomenal strength and will power stats, its four lore, and its Ward keyword ability for starters are enough to drive most people wild. The only negative here is that high Ink cost. However, that high Ink cost is something of an advantage in-and-of itself thanks to “Tag Me In!” a unique character ability that drastically reduces the cost of playing this character in the right situations.

Don’t be fooled, however: this card won’t be a staple in a every Emerald deck out there, and will exist primarily in those focused on spreading damage.

#6 Daisy Duck – Donald’s Date

Daisy Duck – Donald’s Date

Daisy Duck is a pretty powerful card given its one-cost. While there have been plenty of one cost characters to date with two lore, there hasn’t been one with an impressive four will power stat, and also not one with a strong ability. These two things combined will likely singlehandedly raise the viability of aggro decks in the next format, as well as see Daisy Duck in every Amber aggro deck imaginable.

#7 Magica De Spell – Cruel Sorceress

Magica De Spell – Cruel Sorceress

While discard decks have already taken a significant hit due to the Bucky Errata, Amethyst decks that typically have a very difficult time dealing with discard strategies are going to be receiving a significant buff in Shimmering Skies thanks to this Magica De Spell card.

As long as you have her in play, your opponent simply won’t be able to discard cards in your hand. Period. That’s a powerful ability that will likely cause this Magica De Spell card to see play in most Amethyst decks (assuming discard remains a popular strategy after set five).

#8 Minnie Mouse Mouse – Drum Major 15/204

Minnie Mouse Mouse – Drum Major 15/204

Overlook this particular mouse at your own Peril. Minnie Mouse has a powerful card search ability that could help make things more interesting, enabling you to search for that particular character you need just when you need it. The more card search we get in Lorcana, the more interesting deck building will become, making it easier to find specific techs when needed, and making it easier to interact with opposing strategies.

Although this card effect only lets you play the card on top of your deck, there are plenty of ways to then add that card into your hand.

#9 Mother Gothel – Unwavering Schemer 92/204

This card’s artwork is a total vibe. Apart from that, she’s really good – sort of like a Floodborn Lady Tremaine but for Emerald. By forcing your opponent to choose a character to return to the hand, you circumvent the Ward capability. That’s a strong and compelling ability for a card with also powerful stats. The fact that she’s Inkable only serves to make her even more compelling.

#10 Revive 27/204

#10 Revive 27/204

Admittedly, this card at first glance seems to be lacking some of the secret sauce it takes for a card to be truly great. However, on second glance, you might realize that it’s essentially a wild card for any five-cost character in your discard. I like the potential plays this card opens up which is why I’m including it here.

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of You can learn more about him on the about page.


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