The Most Expensive One Punch Man UNION ARENA Cards
UNION ARENA continues its recent winning streak with yet another phenomenal set: One Punch Man! This set focuses on the titular character and his ability to end any fight with one punch. Alongside this bored caped crusader is a cast of supporting characters, villains, and anti-heroes that make for one of the best sets to date.
Below, we’ll be looking at each of the most expensive cards from the set and what makes them unique and attractive to UNION ARENA card collectors everywhere.
#1 Saitama SR***
Unlike past UNION ARENA sets (think BLEACH) that boasted one signed card, this set every two-star super rare card and above has a signature from the original voice actor of the character, adding a little unique flavor to each of these cards. Of them, however, is the rarest of the signature cards and that is this set’s one and only triple star rare featuring Saitama himself.
There are a few things to note about this epic UNION ARENA chase. For starters, the card itself is quite strong competitively, making up the backbone of what will likely be the best One Punch Man deck, Yellow Saitama.
Apart from the beautiful artwork, signature and dialogue from the show, this card features 10000 BP. Saitama is the first character in UNION ARENA to have such high BP, which kind of makes sense given the lore of the show.
Given the rarity and character, this card could reach as high as $500 or more in market value.
#2 Saitama SR**
Runner up to most expensive One Punch Man card has to be the two-star Saitama. From a gameplay standpoint, this card has the phenomenal power to end the game in one punch, much like the character in the show. Playing him, however, is going to take a lot of effort, requiring various different supporting card and combos.
For this reason, Yellow Saitama is the stronger and more effective card. Artwork-wise, however, this card is virtually just as stunning. It also carries the signature on it and has a more comic book vibe than the ultimate chase of the set.
The Saitama SR** could fetch anywhere from $200-$400 on the secondary card market.
#3 Saitama SR* From the Starter Deck
It’s very rare to pull one of these, but it is possible to get an SR* Saitama from your One Punch Man Starter Deck as opposed to the regular version with the border. Typically, these starter deck alt arts are so hard to find that they end up being among the most expensive of the set.
This card could easily be worth around $300 upon release.
#4 Genos SR* Starter Deck
The other SR that you get in the starter deck is Genos, and he also is availabe in an alternate, SR* print. While this card won’t carry the same weight as Saitama, it could fetch you somewhere in the $200-$300 ballpark range.
#5 Garou (077) (SR**)
Garou may not be as well-known as One Punch Man himself, but he’s a pretty excellent character in the show and a dastardly anti-hero who you just can’t help but root for, even as he’s destroying heroes everywhere.
My best guess is that apart from the cards above, Garou SR** will be the most valuable of the set. He could even reach higher values than the rare starter deck SR*s. I also have a special love for this card as I pulled it from my own One Punch Man boxes, and can tell you from personal experience that apart from the stellar artwork, the signature compliments the card in its unique pillar-like calligraphy.
I’m running an auction on this card right now via eBay so we’ll see how much it is worth once that auction runs its course.
#6 Hellish Blizzard SR**
Next up is Hellish Blizzard. While not the strongest character in the series, her underdog inferiority complex to her S-ranked hero sister adds complexity to her outwardly hardened demeanor. While not the strongest of cards, the artwork for this one is impressive. That combined with her popularity should drive this card’s value up to around $150.
#7 Terrible Tornado
Speaking of the big sis – Terrible Tornado should fair well from a value perspective. My gut tells me Hellish Blizzard is the more popular of the two cards so going with that I’d put this card’s value just a little below hers. But still a worthy chase.
#8 Genos SR**
Genos is Saitama’s most devoted disciple, and he’s pretty robotic both in his physique as well as in his emotions. While he is capable of great intensity, his emotional range is a bit subdued. You can kind of think of him as the Spock to Saitama’s Kirk.
Regardless, this card’s cool, and a competitively strong card as well. The value for this card should easily exceed $100.
#8 Speed-o-Sound Sonic SR**
Speed-o-Sound Sonic has a one-sided rivalry with Saitama that makes him sort of pathetic. If he just focused on his own strength, he might be a bit happier because he’s actually quite strong. This card could be a dark horse and end up doing better than I predict if there are enough Speed-o-Sound Sonic fans out there. It might be my own personal bias against this love-to-hate character that puts him at the bottom of my list. As such, I’d rank his potential value in the $80-130 range.
If you haven’t picked up any One Punch Man UA products so far, I urge you to get moving. This is one of the best UA sets to come out as of yet. Intriguing mechanic, strong characters, and beautiful cards make this a great set for players and collectors.