The Most Gorgeous Cards in Triumphant Light

Pokemon TCG Pocket continues it’s crazy rise in prominence with yet another set releasing digitally via the mobile app tomorrow on February 28, 2025. Below, we’ll be taking a look at what are likely to be the top chase cards from this set. Focused on Arceus, get ready to rip some (virtual) packs and hunt for these gorgeous cards!



Shaymin comes flying into view in this alternate art card featuring what looks like a quaint European village. The color palette in this card is particularly intriguing, with pink hues reverberated throughout the image in exquisite detail.

Glaceon ex

Move over Prismatic Evolutions: Glaceon ex’s alternate art card in this set could give you a run for your money. While of course this is a digital card which means you won’t be having to fight over it at your local department store, finding it could still be quite the challenge. Here Glaceon is depicted in a wooded glen with a frozen pond surrounding it. It’s a serene image that I prefer over the Prismatic Evolutions card actually given the realistic backdrop Glaceon is set against.



The alt art for Iridia is pretty stunning, and she comes with an ability that could be pretty handy, too.

Leafeon ex

Leafeon ex

Although not an alt art, it’s always good to see Eeveelutions featured on cards. This is a particularly friendly looking Leafeon who looks like it just wants to be your buddy. Meanwhile, its Forest Breath ability looks pretty handy for helping you accelerate energy onto your Pokemon.

Luckily for Leafeon ex fans everywhere (including myself), we do get an alt art version in this set, and it’s one of the best alts for Leafeon I’ve seen.

The closest artwork I can think of in a main Pokemon TCG set is the Leafeon ex alt we got in Crown Zenith. As it is, this card certainly does the grass Eeveelution justice in one of its best treatments to date.



If Magnemite does it for you, you’ll love this cartoonish alt art take on the Pokemon, where it and its buddies are gently lofting around the air above an industrial looking apartment complex.

Arceus ex

Arceus ex

Arceus ex stands out as a solid pinch hitter in any deck thanks to its colorless typing. As Triumphant Light is all about Arceus, it makes sense we would also be getting a special extended artwork featuring this transcendent creator of the Pokemon universe.


Speaking of Arceus – whats’ the only thing better than an amazing alt art featuring that legendary Pokemon? How about a Garchomp attempting to battle it?

Anyone who has played the Pokemon video games knows Garchomp is one tough cookie. Yet I can’t help admire his brass going up against the all-powerful Arceus. Hopefully it pays off for him in the end, although he does look a little out of place high up in the air battling the Pokemon god as opposed to safely on the earth where his STAB Earthquake would come in handy.



Last but not least there’s…well…this. An insane Houndoom card. We’ve had some interesting Houndoom cards over the year, but none have matched this photo realism and majestic might of this shadowy Pokemon. Looking more like a Balrog than a Pokemon, Houndoom is certainly giving “don’t mess with me” vibes off atop that fallen tree trunk.

Just when you think Pokemon TCG Pocket has no new tricks up its sleeve, it comes out with a set like this. These cards are without a doubt top notch, and Pokemon TCG Pocket fans should all rejoice to be living in a time where inspiring artworks like these exist at the ready in our…erm…pockets!

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of You can learn more about him on the about page.


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