UNION ARENA: The Most Exciting Code Geass Cards

UNION ARENA’s fourth set, Code Geass, is coming out very soon. Other than prepping for release day by rewatching every episode, I’m also checking out the cards that most excite me from this set, and already putting deck combos together in my head. That being said, what better way than to ease my excitement than writing about the final UA set of the year?

Below, let’s look at the Code Geass cards I’m most excited about from this set.

Kallen and The Guren

The deck I’m most interested in building right now from Code Geass is the Purple deck focused around Lelouch and the Guren Mk-II. I like the way this Kallen card lets you search your deck for a Guren card. This adds significant consistency and lets you get your Guren into play much more reliably.

As for the Guren itself, it feels very, very strong as long as you have Lelouch in play. Given the sheer number of Lelouch characters available, I assume you could pull this off fairly easily.

Assuming the conditions are met, this character feels like a less powerful version of Kurapika. Your opponent is forced to block its attacks while also offering up a Life. What makes this tradeoff worth it, however, is the fact that Guren only takes five energy to play – a highly manageable cost. I love that synergy and can’t wait to see how strong this card is.

Gekka (Tohdoh Fighter)

Gekka (Tohdoh Fighter)

While this card isn’t super strong on its own I think it would combo really well with the Holy Swords Strategy. This is likely going to be a separate purple deck from the Guren/Lelouch/C.C. deck but could be very strong also in its own right.


Going back to cards that work well with the Guren combo, Checkmake feels really strong. Not only does it grant you a hefty BP bonus, it also grants increased Impact. If you chain this with Guren, you can easily gain Impact +2 while hitting twice in a turn. That’s an insane combo I’d love to pull off.


Moving on from the Purple Code Geass strategy for a moment, there are two Euphemia characters we are getting in this set and both are very intriguing. We’ve never had a three energy generating character until now and that’s going to be huge given the behemoth that is the Lancelot (more on that in a bit).

The other is a very unique character who grants a protective layer to all characters on your field, forcing your opponent to take her out before using events to sideline or otherwise choose characters on your field. Such an ability could have a huge impact on both the gameplay and the meta of UA.

Lancelot Air Cavalry

Lancelot Air Cavalry

Lancelot may have an incredibly high energy cost, but it more than makes up for that drawback with its insane collection of keywords and effects. It’s one of the few Raid characters in the game with an effect outside of the Raid box. Additionally, he’s got the powerful Impact 1 which is pretty much a staple on strong Raid characters. Lastly, he acts as added removal and has 5000 BP.

I predict this deck is going to be the most played right out the gate when Code Geass hits the streets just because of how mouth-watering of a card this is for players.

Code GEASS is looking like a crazy set and it’s going to not only be fun to play but will likely have a huge impact on the UNION ARENA meta. Stay tuned for more cards added to this list as we get closer to the official release date of UA’s fourth set!

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of JosephWriterAnderson.com. You can learn more about him on the about page.


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