Temporal Forces Card List and Spoilers in English
Temporal Forces is bound to be an exciting set for many reasons – with one of the most important of those reasons being the fact that in it we will see the return of Ace Spec Pokemon cards. And while we may have an inkling about what is going to be included in Temporal Forces thanks to similar sets being released in Japan, we don’t know which cards will officially be included in the set until they are revealed.
Luckily for us, a few Temporal Forces cards have been revealed in English.
As more cards are revealed, we’ll update this list. So keep checking back for more.
All Temporal Forces cards have been revealed!
See the full Temporal Forces official set list on Pokemon.com.
Temporal Forces Card List – Latest Reveals in English – March 18, 2024
Grass Pokemon Cards
Starting out this list we have Tutwig, Grotle and Torterra ex. While It’s cool that we’re getting a Torterra ex in this set, it’s a little odd that Torterra ex has such relatively weak attacks given it is a stage 2 Pokemon. I can’t imagine many Pokemon players hinging their strategy around a Pokemon that does at best 180 damage (if all of your Pokemon happen to be grass type).
Scyther 001/162
We’ve been getting a lot of Scyther cards in sets lately. But I will say this one is particularly cool, with some very action-oriented artwork that makes great use of shadows to convey the vibe.
Rellor 023/162
Iron Leaves ex
Iron Leaves ex was revealed via Pokemon company
Iron Leaves ex is a powerful new Pokemon ex that players are already using to counter decks with weakness to grass like Roaring Moon ex and Charizard ex. Iron Leaves ex benefits from a powerful switching ability and also dishes out 180 which is plenty to counter any Pokemon that is weak to grass.
Water Pokemon Cards
Totodile 039/162
Fire Pokemon Cards
Magcargo 029/162
This card has actually a pretty cool ability. Lava Zone punishes your opponent’s Pokemon for switching to bench, making them burned. That could be pretty handy as it’s a bit of a pain to clear the special conditions on an already benched Pokemon.
Dragon Pokemon Cards
Raging Bolt ex 123/162
Raging Bolt ex offers a powerful attack for decks capable of using it.
Psychic Pokemon Cards
Flutter Mane 078/162
After the 2024 rotation, I can see this card doing really, really well. In the absence of the super popular Path to the Peak, trainers are going to look for new ways to attempt to shut down their opponent’s Pokemon’s abilities. While Midnight Fluttering may not be nearly as impactful this way as a card that shuts down all abilities, it might just be strong enough to see this card in competitive decks.
Iron Crown ex 081/162
Iron Crown ex is one of the biggest meta changing cards in Temporal Forces. It helps that it also looks pretty cool.
Darkness Pokemon Cards
Gengar ex 104/162
I love Gengar as much as the next Poke-fan. That being said, I really can’t see this Stage 2 Gengar ex actually being useful in a Pokemon TCG battle. Collectors might find it a great Gengar to add to their set, but as is, Gengar ex doesn’t have much at all to offer players.
Roaring Moon 109/162
Just in case you were getting tired of Roaring Moon ex, here’s another…Roaring Moon. And this one might be just as good if not better, hitting a high damage threshold if you have plenty of Ancient Pokemon in your discard.
ACE SPEC Trainer Cards
Not many cards from Temporal Forces have been revealed in English yet. Luckily, though, we’ve had two revealed so far. The first is the legendary Master Ball.
Remember though – ACE SPEC cards are different than ordinary Trainer cards in that you can only have one single ACE SPEC card in your deck. That’s right: just one.
Master Ball – ACE SPEC 153/162
Being able to choose any single Pokemon card from your entire deck to put into your hand is a pretty insane ability, and I imagine most Pokemon decks will want to run one of these.
Prime Catcher 157/162
Prime Catcher is notable given the fact that Cross Switcher is a powerful card that will soon be rotating out, and Prime Catcher will be taking its place. Anyone who has played Pokemon TCG knows that the ability to switch your opponent’s active Pokemon out for one of their benched Pokemon is a powerful ability that can change the course of the game.
Right now, very few cards enable you to do this, and most usually have some ramifications around them. Cross Switcher, for example let you do this but only if you had another Cross Switcher in your hand to play it.
Cross Switcher is a card that could see a lot of play – assuming trainers aren’t too hung up on Master Ball’s potential to even consider a different ACE SPEC.
Maximum Belt
Maximum Belt provides the highest damage modification we’ve seen yet. But will the allure of doing 50 extra damage to most decks be enough for players to use up their precious ACE SPEC slot for it? My money is still on Master Ball.
Reboot Pod (158/162)
This Temporal Forces spoiler is an exclusive that we did from a Booster Box we opened. If you are a fan of running Future decks like Iron Valiant ex, you might find this particular item card very helpful. It lets you attach a basic energy from your discard to any of your future Pokemon. I’ll certainly try it out in my Iron Valiant ex deck.
Trainer Cards
Buddy-Buddy Poffin 144/162
Well…in case you were worried about losing Battle VIP Pass, you shouldn’t be. For many decks, Buddy-Buddy Poffin will be an even more useful card, acting like two Nest Balls combined with Level Balls and quickly building up your bench with support Pokemon vital to your winning objective.
Energy Cards
Mist Energy (161/162)
Neo Upper Energy (ACE SPEC) 162/162
The final card in the main set is an ACE SPEC energy card.
Neo Upper Energy is a strong card that provides significant energy options to Stage 2 Pokemon like Charizard ex. Will enough decks benefit from running this card that they would choose it over a powerhouse like Master Ball though? Only time will tell.
Temporal Forces Ultra Rare Cards
Incineroar ex 187/162
Apart from the fact that this card features a very memorable Pokemon, I can’t get over how cool it is. Attacks it uses are reduced by one colorless energy for each Pokemon on your opponent’s bench? That’s pretty insane given most decks these days run a full bench most of the time. It’s clear to see that with this card combined with Gouging Fire we’re having plenty of support for Fire type Pokemon in Temporal Forces.
Farigiraf ex
I was pretty excited about Espathra ex in the last set, but this Farigiraf also has a lot going for it, and would pair well with Xatu in the game. Besides a cool jewell look, it’s got an ability that makes it immune to many popular decks right now. It will be interesting to see if this card makes its way into any meta decks to counter popular basic ex attackers.
Raging Bolt ex 196/162
Salvatore (202/162)
Illustration Rare Cards
Snom – Illustration Rare
Looking for a beautifully rendered Snom set against a forest winter wonderland and snow caped mountains? Then look no further than this Illustration Rare Snom officially revealed to be part of the Temporal Forces English set.
Drampa – Illustration Rare
This card is so dreamlike and nostalgic that it’s easy to miss how crazy strong this Drampa actually is. It’s a single prize Pokemon that can dish out 120 damage under the right circumstances. Combine this card with Gapejaw Bog or Damage Pump and you have an incredible strong attacker at your disposal capable of fitting into a plethora of decks thanks to its colorless typing.
Lickitung (180/162)
Metagross (178/162)
This snow covered Metagross alternate artwork paints a wintry pastoral scene, yet its its Luster Blast that catches your attention, dishing out 200 damage as a single prize Pokemon. Pretty impressive!
Special Illustration Rare Cards
Gouging Fire ex
This Gouging Fire Pokemon not only resembles Entei, it has a similar play style to the well known and existing Entei V card. Only, Gouging Fire is arguably stronger of the two, with an attack that dishes out 260 damage off the bat (easily buffed via many fire boosting abilities in the game).
Requiring only three fire energies to get off, Gouging Fire ex could easily be an entirely new deck archetype of its own thanks to a plethora of powerful support for fire Pokemon thanks to cards like Magma Basin and the underrated Mela from Paradox Rift.
Iron Boulder ex
This Iron Boulder ex card is certainly cool, and will probably even be one of the top chase cards of Temporal Forces. In terms of playability, however, I don’t think this will be the fighting type card to bring fighting type decks back into the meta. While both attacks are certainly good, neither are astounding, and players will undoubtedly choose other more powerful options (like Gouging Fire) over this less appealing attacker.
Still – a highly collectible card with exciting artwork.
Walking Wake ex
This Walking Wake ex (looking quite a bit like another popular Pokemon known as Suicune) features some of the more gorgeous artwork revealed so far to be part of Temporal Forces. Beyond its artwork and collectibility, Walking Wake ex has an incredibly strong attack, enabling it to hit for an impressive 240 damage, provided the opposing Pokemon has a special condition on it. That’s not super hard to do given there are other notable Ancient Pokemon cards capable of inflicting special conditions with relative ease.
Raging Bolt ex
What do you combine a Raikou with a dinasour and a dragon? A Raging Bolt! Raging Bolt features a similar sort of hidden landscape devoid of other living creatures besides the mysterious Paradox Pokemon. And while the other Special Illustration ex Pokemon certainly pack a punch, none of them can hold a candle to Raging Bolt’s Bellowing Thunder attack. While the pairing of lightning and fighting energy makes us scratch our heads a little (will people use Sada to make that happen or just Lost Box?) this attack is certainly one of the strongest in the game.
Also, because Raging Bolt is a Dragon type Pokemon, it doesn’t actually have any weaknesses, making this powerful and beautiful card a force to be reckoned with.
Iron Crown ex
Iron Crown ex has been officially revealed as part of Temporal Forces, and this card looks absolutely bonkers. Appearing elegantly poised before a full moon, this Iron Crown ex may not be its own deck archetype, but it is going to be a powerful addition to the existing Iron Valiant ex deck archetype, allowing Iron Valiant to become an archetype in its own right.
Eri (210/162)
The way Eri’s name sounds certainly matches her vibe. Yet, her ability is pretty strong, and could seriously mess up your opponent if played early enough in the game when your opponent’s resources are limited. This could also do really well in stall decks, forcing your opponent to work harder to find the critical items they need to get ahead.
Morty’s Conviction
Morty’s Conviction is actually a pretty strong draw supporter. However, I’m not sure why you would use him when you can just play Professor’s Research instead. Apart from gameplay mechanics, this artwork is gorgeous, and makes me really want to be sitting at that cafe (it looks so serene). Apart from that, Morty’s a pretty popular trainer, and Gengar, of course, is mega popular. So you can bet this is going to be valuable card when the set comes out.
Bianca’s Devotion
Immediately when I see Bianca’s Devotion I see (other than an incredibly valuable chase card for the set) a supporter that pairs really well with Roaring Moon ex. Roaring Moon ex knocks its HP down to almost nothing when it uses its powerful Frenzied Gouging attack. Meanwhile, Bianca’s Devotion could heal that right up.
But what most people are going to be interested in this card for is not its playability – they’re gonna be interested in its value. It’s likely to be one of the most valuable cards in the entire set, and for good reason. It’s a pretty cool card.
Temporal Forces Prerelease Promos
In addition to these cards, Pokemon has also revealed the prerelease Promos you can get via the Build and Battle Box. See them below.