Koraidon ex Deck List and Guide

Despite being only a special set, Shrouded Fable has brought with it a host of powerful cards the likes of which can certainly cause the meta to tip. These cards could help a deck rise to the surface that has previously been overlooked. I’m talking about Koraidon ex from Temporal Forces, and now that we have some of these new cards, it seems a little strange that nobody is talking about this powerhouse dragon.

Koraidon ex Deck List

Koraidon ex deck list
  • Pokémon: 8

    1 Lumineon V BRS 40

    1 Mew ex MEW 151

    3 Koraidon ex TEF 120

    1 Slither Wing PAR 107 PH

    1 Brute Bonnet PAR 123

    1 Radiant Greninja ASR 46

    1 Squawkabilly ex PAL 169

    1 Sandy Shocks ex PAR 108

    Trainer: 14

    4 Ultra Ball SVI 196

    4 Academy at Night SFA 54

    3 Switch Cart ASR 154

    4 Energy Switch SVI 173 PH

    3 Earthen Vessel PAR 163

    4 Professor Sada's Vitality PAR 170

    1 Night Stretcher SFA 61

    1 Prime Catcher TEF 157

    4 Gutsy Pickaxe ASR 145

    1 Forest Seal Stone SIT 156

    4 Nest Ball SVI 181

    2 Binding Mochi SFA 55

    2 Ancient Booster Energy Capsule PAR 159

    2 Boss's Orders PAL 172

    Energy: 2

    8 Basic {F} Energy Energy 14

    3 Basic {R} Energy Energy 10

    Total Cards: 60

To get a glimpse of why this deck is so strong, honestly you don’t need to look much further than its top attacker: Koraidon ex.

Koraidon ex

Koraidon ex has a monster of an attack, dishing out a base damage of 280 which is enough to knock out most Basic Pokemon ex and all meta-relavent VSTAR in the game.

That should be enough of a sales pitch to use this Pokemon in-and-of-itself, but just wait – it gets even better.

Thanks to a tricky combo with Brute Bonnet and the newly released Binding Mochi Tool card, you can reliably up your Koraidon ex’s attack to an insane 330. That’s taking KOs against even Charizard ex in a single blow from an attack that you could feasibly get off turn one!

Apart from all that, Koraidon ex has decent HP which can be upped with an Energy Capsule if you don’t need the Mochi, and has zero weaknesses.

I mean, what more do you want from a Pokemon?

Academy at Night makes this Koraidon ex deck go bonkers

Okay, I know what you might be thinking: if this deck is so good, why hasn’t anyone played it until now? Well, until now Koraidon couldn’t really hit hard enough to KO big Pokemon ex in a one hit so there is that. But the real kicker is the fact that unlike other powerful Ancient Pokemon attackers like Roaring Moon ex, it couldn’t reliably get it’s attack off in one turn.

Roaring Moon ex has Dark Patch plus Professor Sada to make it relatively easy to get three energies attached to it. Meanwhile, all Koraidon has is Gutsy Pickaxe. However there hasn’t been a great way to get cards on top of your deck, so you couldn’t reliably accelerate a third energy in a turn like you can with decks like Gouging Fire ex or Roaring Moon ex.

Academy at Night

That’s all changed now with Academy at Night. Now, just put a Fighting Energy on top of your deck and voila! You have your third energy. Koraidon ex is looking a whole lot more deadly now, isn’t it?

Of course, Academy at Night has other uses. Because this deck loves to Squawk and Sieze turn one, you can also use it to put a Sada’s Vitality or other vital cards onto your deck to save them. You can even use this handy ability to thin your hand out and then use Mew ex’s Restart (although that’s tricker to pull off).

Slither Wings is a strong secondary attacker

Slither Wings

Slither Wings

Another reason this deck is more appealing to me than its brother, Roaring Moon ex, is that you have a really strong secondary attacker in the form of Slither Wings. Slither Wings hits really hard for just two energy. Plus, you can easily power up its Burning Turbulence to do a maximum of 190 damage in a single turn (that’s Binding Mochi + Burn + Poison).

That’s absolutely wild for a single prize Pokemon using two energy.

Koraidon ex matchups

This deck is still pretty new so I won’t cover matchups exhaustively. However, one fun aspect about this deck is that it strongly counters the new Loyal Three deck from Shrouded Fable. Indeed, Slither Wings OHKOs those guys which is awesome from a Single Prize Pokemon.

Meanwhile, this deck OHKOs anything out there, which makes it really attractive to use against big HP decks like Charizard ex or Dragapult ex.

Lastly, I’ll reiterate the fact that Koraidon ex itself has zero weakness, so it’s gonna be hard to KO it easily.

How good is Koraidon ex?

Just to compare this deck with a similar popular meta deck, Raging Bolt ex, which needs five energies in play to OHKO a Charizard ex, Koraidon ex can do it with just three. In total, you need about 10 cards to get that KO whereas you only need 9 with Koraidon ex, while Koraidon takes smaller Kos easier.

I would not be surprised to see this deck gain popularity in the Shroued Fable/Stellar Crown format. But you heard about it here first!

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of JosephWriterAnderson.com. You can learn more about him on the about page.


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