10 Strongest Attack on Titan Characters
When it comes to Attack on Titan, you never can tell how long a character is going to last.
10 Best Literary Allusions in Harry Potter
The Harry Potter series is a fantastic collection of stories thanks to the rich literary tradition that Rowling pulls from in order to create her work.
10 Best Supporting Characters in Harry Potter
One of the best things about Harry Potter (besides the Butterbeer) is the phenomenal cast of characters.
Best Things to Do in the ‘Wizarding World of Harry Potter’ Hollywood
If you’re anything like me, you’re probably quite curious about what there actually is to do in Harry Potter World in Hollywood.
Six Inaccuracies in History Channel’s ‘Vikings’ That Detract From the Show
For all its visual splendor, History Channel’s ‘Vikings’ gets some things wrong.
10 Most Powerful Magical Objects in ‘Harry Potter’
There’s no denying that objects are granted with great power in the Wizarding World.
The ‘Harry Potter’ Books Ranked: All Seven from Worst to Best
Harry Potter is the best selling book series of all time. But in a series of great books, which one reigns supreme?