Lorcana Yzma Errata Adds Versatility to Popular Card

An important errata for a high profile card in the second expansion of Lorcana TCG has largely flown under the radar until now. That is the fact that, as it turns out, Yzma – Scary Beyond All Reason has a pretty big error in her card text.

Apart from her Shift 4 keyword ability, Yzma also has a Cruel Irony ability that reads: “When you play this character, shuffle another chosen character card into their player’s deck. That player draws 2 cards.”

That ability pretty clearly states in no uncertain terms that you don’t have a choice whether or not to use it. If there is another character card in play, you have to send them back into the deck.

But what if you don’t want to? There could conceivably be times when it’s not strategically beneficial to send another character packing. Well, it turns out you don’t have to.

Yzma’s ability card text is an error

According to the official Disney Lorcana TCG app, Yzma’s ability as it is printed today contains an important error. It should read as follows:

“When you play this character, you may shuffle another chosen character into their players deck. That player draws 2 cards.”

While that may seem like not a massive difference, it certainly is if it really isn’t beneficial to you somehow to use the ability, enabling you to choose whether or not you want to use it, or just add an additional, powerful character into play.

This adds further utility and versatility to a card that is already quite strong as is.

Yzma – Scary Beyond Reason is a highly popular card

One of the reasons why this errata is such a big deal is that Yzma – Scary Beyond Reason is a really popular card used in many top Lorcana decks. She is especially popular in what is widely regarded as the best Lorcana deck of them all – Ruby/Amethyst Bounce Control.

And yet, this news has hardly been widely publicized, with only a few highly viewed Posts from Lorcana content creators on X drawing attention to it.

While most players include Yzma for the sake of using her powerful Cruel Irony ability either to remove powerful characters from play or bounce their own characters and benefiting from additional draw support, getting the chance to choose to use an ability rather than being forced to is always preferable, and if more people knew about this particular errata, Yzma would certainly see further popularity.

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of JosephWriterAnderson.com. You can learn more about him on the about page.


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