Rurouni Kenshin UNION ARENA English Set Coming September, 2025

Rurouni Kenshin

In a picture shared by Kozmic on X, Bandai seems to have leaked some major news regarding the UNION ARENA release schedule.

While a plethora of exciting releases have been officially confirmed for 2025, two sets appear on the horizon for UNION ARENA that have not otherwise been announced by any official Bandai channels.

The first is a potential Hunter x Hunter Vol. 2 set coming in September, along with an even more titilating potential Rurouni Kenshin set releasing in the same month.

The leak was made at a the GAMA Expo happening right now, and the release schedule shown in the image shared by Kozmic matches the current, confirmed release schedule, apart from September’s Rurouni Kenshin and Hunter x Hunter Vol 2 sets. Up until now, September has remained unknown, so this information certainly fits.

Weirdly enough, a Facebook Post shared in the South Flordia UNION ARENA group by Heywannaplay Gamestore the same day at around the same time is already calling for preorders to be made for these two sets.

Picture of signups for preorders for these sets by Heywannaplay Gamestore

Is the fact that we are getting a set as epic as Rurouni Kenshin added to the UNION ARENA English roster this very year somehow being circulated amongst stores and others in the know and just not getting revealed to the public? I suppose it makes sense if that were the case as shops need to get their orders for products well in advance.

Yet assuming that’s the case, why would Bandai let something as spicy as this get leaked to the public in this fashion when they’ve been so good about making grandiose announcements thus far regarding future sets?

Whatever the case, Rouroni Kenshin is a mega classic in the anime world, and fans will of both the show and the game will be excited if this turns out to be true.

From everything we’ve seen so far, it seems highly likely we’ll be getting Kenshin this September. And – like One Punch Man – it’s quite likely that this will also be a simultaneous release with Japan as Kenshin has not been released there yet, either.

It’s an exciting addition to the roster for sure and always exciting when we get global releases for sets as big as this one is likely to be!

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of You can learn more about him on the about page.


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