Prismatic Evolutions English Spoilers and Card List

We’re really not far away from the release date of the epic Prismatic Evolutions set happening January 17, 2025, and already Pokemon is ramping up their card reveals for the set in English.

Below, let’s take a look at every Prismatic Evolutions card officially revealed in English so far!

Palafin ex 151/131 Special Illustration Rare

The first Prismatic Evolutions card revealed in English is also among its most rare, and that is the special illustration rare version of Palafin ex. Whiel Palafin ex is already something of a cult favorite among devoted fans, this card should get extra interest do to the fact that it was illustrated by famous manga artist Tetsuo Hara. To me, this artwork feels very Van Goghesque, and helps elevate the subject matter to something very much worthy of an SIR print.

Umbreon ex 161/131 Special Illustration Rare

The second card to be revealed from Prismatic Evolutions in English is also the most anticipated, and that is Umbreon ex Special Illustration Rare. Collectors have been drawing parallels between this card and the insanely valuable Umbreon VMAX from Evolving Skies and that sort of hype combined with the popularity of the Pokemon and this card’s rarity will undoubtedly drive it to the top of the list for most valuable Prismatic Evolutions cards.

Just how valuable will this card be? We already know it’s going to be sought after so the main unknown in its final price tag is just how rare pulling it actually is. My guess would be, however, that its price will exceed that of even the Pikachu ex SIR we got in Surging Sparks. Although I don’t think it will be way more – perhaps another $100 or so in market value when the dust settles.

That being said, we’ve seen Umbreon VMAX continue to improve in value overtime, which means it’s quite likely we will see the same thing happen here as well!

Espeon ex 155/131 Special Illustration Rare

Espeon ex

The more I see the artwork for this Espeon SIR card the more I like it. It’s probably my favorite Espeon card in any recent set, despite how cool the Espeon VMAX was from Fusion Strike. There’s something just so serene about seeing this memorable Eeveelution from the Gold/Silver era of Pokemon coming out of the ether with stellar tera crown on its head.

While this card is going to be insanely collectible, now that we see its official English reading I can certainly comment that this card probably won’t be a big card competitively. I’m not seeing a use case for actually using Amazez when you could more easily use the Devolution TM.

Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex 168/161 Special Illustration Rare

Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex

Bloodmoon Ursaluna is a uniquely odd looking Pokemon that you can only get on the Island of Kitakami in the Scarlet and Violet DLC: The Teal Mask. While we’ve already had a pretty solid SIR version of this Pokemon card, thi one is perhaps even better, depicted in a similar artwork as the Loyal Three Pokemon SIRs that were released in Shrouded Fable. That thematic tie makes sense given the two share the same homeland (Kitakami).

Lore aside, Bloodmoon ex is a very, very strong Pokemon that makes its way into a lot of different decks. This attractiveness from a player standpoint raises the potential value of this card.

Dragapult ex 165/131 Special Illustration Rare

This intriguing alternate artwork for Dragapult ex is sure to draw a lot of attention for both players and collectors. Not only does it boast “prismatic” colors and designs that see the mighty Pokemon blending into its background, but Dragapult ex is very commonly played both in its own deck and in the massively popular Regidrago VSTAR deck.

Iron Hands ex 154/131 Special Illustration Rare

Iron Hands ex 154/131 Special Illustration Rare

It’s hard to create an amazing illustration with Iron Hands as the Pokemon isn’t the most aesthetically pleasing in the world (for the most part looking something like a flying saucer). That being said, this artwork does a solid job depicting it in action looking like it’s hanging out somewhere in Area Zero.

Regardless of how you feel about this Scarlet & Violet era Pokemon, Iron Hands ex as a Pokemon card has had a huge impact on the meta. While it’s signature deck, Future Hands, may not be competitive today, it’s a key component of many competitive Pokemon decks that consistently perform well.

Gholdengo ex 164/131 Special Illustration Rare

Here we have Gholdengo ex surfing its way into noteriety in Prismatic Evolutions in this artwork that breaks from the mold with a comic-book style depiction of skyscrapers in the background. Here Gholdengo is literally “making it rain” like its now famous attack implies, dropping coins everywhere.

This card should be pretty popular when the set comes out given the fact Gholdengo has managed to rise and prove itself as a top tier deck worth watching competitively. I also like this artwork better than the SIR we got in Paradox Rift, so there’s that.

Friends in Paldea 137/131

Friends in Paldea 137/131

A generic draw three cards supporter that won’t see play competitively, this card is still cool nonetheless thanks to its unique depiction of several of the central characters in the Scarlet & Violet video game.

Treasure Tracker 131/131

Treasure Tracker 131/131

Treasure Tracker is the first ACE SPEC to be revealed in English for Prismatic Evolutions, and it’s totally an odd one. I don’t think this card will be making its way onto any list of the best ACE SPEC Pokemon cards but perhaps for a few niche strategies and decks it will suffice.

Tyranitar ex 64/131

Tyranitar ex 64/131

I feel like it’s tempting to overlook this Tyranitar ex card given how many exciting cards there are coming out in Prismatic Evolutions. That being said, Tyranitar ex has a lot going for it that could warrant having its own deck. The main advantage of Tyranitar ex is its combination of insane HP with an attack that scales indefinitely. The only problem here would be finding an easy and reliable way to get energy onto Tyranitar ex. Otherwise, you could conceivably KO anything out there while surviving most hits in return. That could unlock a positive prize trade for competitive players to enjoy.

Regigigas 86/131

Regigigas 86/131

Regigigas is a card that should perform very, very well on the competitive scene as long as Lugia VSTAR is legal. The fact that you can easily power up Regigigas with Archeops and then take massive KOs against the likes of Charizard ex and other powerful Tera types makes this card very, very compelling to say the least.



In a cryptic video shared via X, the Pokemon TCG’s official account decided to share this pretty unassuming Slowpoke. Despite being an intentionally underwhelming reveal, the video is actually pretty charming. Check it out below.

Eevee Black Star Promo SVP 175

Eevee Black Star Promo SVP 175

Although this alternate art Eevee isn’t technically part of the Prismatic Evolutions card list as it’s a promo, you can get it from the Prismatic Evolutions ETB, making this easily one of the most desirable ETB promos we’ve had in a while.

If you (like me) love getting the official reveals in English for upcoming Pokemon sets, then you’re in luck! I’ll continue to update this with each newly revealed English version of the Prismatic Evolution cards so stay tuned for more updates to this page!

Joseph Anderson

About the Author: Joseph is the founder of You can learn more about him on the about page.


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