All 18 Into the Inklands Enchanted Cards Worth Money
As usual, the most expensive Into the Inklands cards are their enchanted. In this guide, we’ll be giving you the details on all Into the Inklands enchanted cards worth money.
For more background info, each Lorcana set features a collection of extremely rare cards called enchanted. Estimates put your chances at pulling one to be somewhere around one in ninety booster packs.
But being extremely rare isn’t the only thing enchanted rare cards have going for them – they also feature alternate artwork that differs from the main version of the card.
*Updated February 26, 2024 with market prices for all valuable Into the Inklands enchanted cards.
All Into the Inklands enchanted cards worth money
Peter Pan – Pirate's Bane (Enchanted)
Market price: $117.52
The first Enchanted rare from Into the Inklands features a huge departure in illustration from past sets with Peter Pan being depicted here looking like something out of the Van Gogh Museum. This impressionist take on a Lorcana card just shows how much bigger than a game TCGs like Disney Lorcana are – they are modern, living breathing art.
Floodborn characters – Disney characters appearing vastly differently than what we are used to seeing them look like – are popular choices for enchnated renderings, and this Peter Pan card has a lot going for it, teasing the upcoming likely popularity of Pirate-themed decks. Peter Pan gets bonuses from battling against opposing Pirate decks, while also boasting the powerful Evasive keyword ability.
Captain Hook – Master Swordsman (Enchanted)
Market price: $121.77
Although Peter Pan’s enchanted form was the first to be revealed, I suppose it only stands to reason that his arch-nemesis would also get an enchanted card.
Kida – Protector of Atlantis (Enchanted)
Market price: $191.68
Kida is bound to be one of the strongest cards in Into the Inklands, and it’s not surprising that she would get an enchanted version of her card. What is suprrising, however, is just how gorgeous this card is. Imparting incredible emotion for what should just be a card in a trading card game, this card really is a work of art, and boasts considerably better artwork than her legendary artwork.
Maleficent – Mistress of All Evil (Enchanted)
Market price: $178.40
I’m really glad we got a Maleficent enchanted rare in this set. Maleficent is a really epic villain and this card captures her majestic, terrifying power perfectly. Not to mention this is an incredible card, letting you draw a card whenever she quests and also granting two lore in the process. This card would pair really well with the Jafar Flloodborn character revealed in Into the Inklands, and has good synergy with many other cards in this set as well.
Morph – Space Goo (Enchanted)
Market price: $156.85
The moment you see a lesser known character like Morph get an enchanted rare version, you know that the Disney Lorcana game designers were doing when they released Morph into the game. A card that can be shifted into any character is going to be immensely popular, and that popularity alone will drive demand for this Lorcana chase card.
Ursula – Deceiver of All (Enchanted) is the most expensive card in Into the Inklands
Market price: $222.60
Now this one I am a little surprised about. I did not see us getting an enchanted rare version of this particular card. Even though it was only revealed a day before the regular Ursula card was revealed, there are so many cool cards that would make great Enchanted cards. Nevertheless, this card looks pretty cool, and Ursula seems to be very present in the lore of Into the Inklands so far (if you look at the flavor text of other cards from set three she’s mentioned often). And her ability is incredibly strong, making it likely that she will see plenty of play.
Scrooge McDuck – Richest Duck in the World (Enchanted)
Market price: $179.26
Scrooge McDuck’s enchanted card has finally been revealed! Highly anticipated by fans of the game, Scrooge McDuck has been one of the most high profile cards to be revealed since the beginning of Lorcana, with products announcing his arrival in the game long before the card was even revealed. This card does not dissapoint, with fans on Twitter pointing out that it looks like a painting Scrooge McDuck would have in his own house. We agree!
Jafar – Striking Illusionist (Enchanted)
Market price: $204.83
I’m not overly surprised to see this one. The epicness of the regular artwork Floodborn Jafar card from this set was epic enough to make you believe there might just be an enchanted in store. Well…here it is! And its artwork and composition surely make it one of the best enchanted cards so far.
Micky Mouse – Trumpeter (Enchanted)
Market price: $170.45
Mickey Mouse, being the mascot of Disney that he is, usually does well on the market from a value perspective when he appears as an enchanted card. As you can see, this card has an impressive value, even if it is not above and beyond the most expensive card in the set.
Chernabog – Evildoer (Enchanted)
Market price: $188.27
One of the cool things about this card getting revealed is not only that we get an Enchanted Chernabog but that we get to see this card now revealed in English. Chernabog is one of the cards I’m most excited about from Into the Inklands. Its unprecedented ability makes this ten-cost character very possible to play – all you need is characters in your discard. I could see entire decks built around this card, and be quite strong, too!
Apart from its gameplay, Chernabog’s artwork is quite imperious, perfectly conveying the terrifying power of Disney’s most powerful bad guy.
Gramma Tala – Spirit of the Ocean (Enchanted)
Market price: $174.39
Getting a Floodborn Gramma Tala was a surprise, and getting an Enchanted artwork of her is equally surprising. This card is pretty strong and could be used in a lot of decks, and the artwork is quite beautiful.
Robin Hood – Champion of Sherwood (Enchanted)
Market price: $168.74
Plenty of characters from Robin Hood have been revealed in Into the Inklands, so I suppose it only makes sense that we’d get this beautiful depiction of the fox hero. Standing proud in Floodborn form, sword to shoulder instead of his famous longbow, this Robin Hood is as powerful as it is painterly, and undoubtedly a top chase card for many Lorcana enthusiasts.
Into the Inklands Enchanted Cards – Locations, Songs, Items
As we got deeper into the Into the Inklands spoilers, it became apparant that character cards wouldn’t be the only cards included in the pantheon of enchanted cards this set. In many ways, the inclusions of other cards beyond characters ties in with the overall trend of Into the Inklands showing us that this game isn’t all about the characters. With so many new strategies to draw from, Into the Inklands is bringing with it not only new and different sort of enchanted rare cards, but a much more diverse and complex gameplay than we have yet seen.
You can see all of the non character enchanted rare cards from Into the Inklands below.
Kuzco’s Palace – Home of the Emperor (Enchanted)
Market price: $100
Enchanted locations are new to Into the Inklands, and this one is quite strong, incentivizing your opponent to avoid challenging your characters by banishing the challenging character back in return. It seems that, for right now, enchanted locations are worth quite a bit less on the singles market than characters are.
Belle’s House – Maurice’s Workshop
Market price: $85.45
RLS Legacy – Solar Galleon (Enchanted)
Market price: $98.43
Pride Lands – Pride Rock (Enchanted)
Market price: $104.01
And then Along Came Zeus (Enchanted)
Market price: $134.45
The Sorcerer’s Hat (Enchanted)
Market price: $130.99