10 Most Valuable Pokemon GO Cards
The Pokemon GO TCG “special set” came out right in the middle of summer 2022, and quickly rose to fame as one of the best Pokemon packs to buy. And it was awesome. By far, Pokemon GO TCG set is one of my favorites – so much so that I collected every single card in the set!
Why is it so awesome? Well, for a few reasons:
Why Pokemon Go TCG Cards Were So Special
They’re Based on a Beloved Video Game
Those few weeks (or was it months?) when Pokemon GO came out back in 2016 were some of the weirdest, greatest times EVER. As kids, we dreamed of catching Pokemon in real life and going on our real life Pokemon adventure. And, thanks to technology, we could finally do it. And thanks to everyone being obsessed with it, the world became like our childhood playground – everyone playing Pokemon GO all at once.
Pokemon GO TCG Cards Have a High Pull Rate?
This was my experience and one of the reasons that I got back into collecting cards from boxes after it came out. We got really lucky pulls. Frequently. We pulled alt arts, Radiants, Rainbow Rare cards almost every time we got product.
This may have been our isolated experience, but it certainly made getting packs and boxes a lot more fun.
They Came Out in the Summer
Even as you get older (as in, not a kid), summer still has something special about it. It’s filled with possibilities, and catching wild Pokemon is just one of those great possibilities.
They Included Dragonite VSTAR
The Dragonite VSTAR box and “deck holder” while being largely a gimmick looks pretty cool from the outside. And it helps that Dragonite is a beloved Pokemon.
Lastly, Pokemon GO TCG had a tricky little hidden mechanic – some of its cards were secretly other cards! This was an epic find and after I learned about it and looked back through my cards, I realized I had actually pulled a Ditto!
This little Easter Egg brought back the joys of catching Pokemon as a child – something that happens all too infrequently.
Most Valuable Pokemon GO TCG Cards
Plenty of people are also fascinated with the Pokemon GO TCG set because of its tie-in with the game. This makes this perhaps once-in-a-life-time cross-over set very likely a good set to invest in. While it’s not quite been a year since the set came out, the prices have had more than enough time to settle by now, so you can expect these 10 most valuable cards in the Pokemon GO TCG set to stay similar overtime.
*Updated September 14, 2023 to current market values.
#10 Radiant Charizard
One of the most popular cards to come out of Pokemon GO TCG was Radiant Charizard. Highly collectible due to it being Charizard, it has also seen plenty of competitive play.
Market Price: $8
I kid you not – the first Pokemon GO TCG product I bought gave me the Radiant Charizard. Sitting at Sonic and drinking a cherry Limeade, we opened our box. Radiant Charizard was in the very last pack we opened.
Back then, Radiant Charizard was worth a lot more than it is now. But heck – it’s Charizard. It’ll be worth plenty in due time.
The Team Leader Trainer Cards – Pokemon GO TCG Cards
Of course, it wouldn’t be Pokemon GO and Pokemon TCG without the three team leaders. Spark, Blanche and Candela Rainbow Rare versions are all worth similar amounts, so they’ll take up spots 9-7 on this list.
#9 Candela (Secret)
Team Valor’s leader, Candela is associated with fire type Pokemon.
Market Price: $9
#8 – Spark (Secret)
Instinct team leader and associated with electric type Pokemon.
Market Price: $9.50
#7 Blanche
Blanche is associated with water and leads team Mystic. Blanche is the most valuable of the Rainbow (Secret) Rare team leader trainer Pokemon GO TCG cards.
Market Price: $10
#6 Professor’s Research Rainbow Rare
This one if one of my personal favorites from the set, and we pulled it naturally from one of the boxes. It’s actually one of the cooler looking Professor’s Research cards around.
Professor's Research (Secret) - Pokemon GO (PGO)
Market Price: $10.50
#5 Melmetal VMAX Rainbow Rare
I’m not sure if everyone remembers this – but earlier on in the Pokemon GO timeline there was a special event and they released Meltan to the world. That’s what I think of when I see this Meltan VMAX in this set. The price it is at currently is not very high. But maybe overtime that will go up, especially if others have special memories like me?
Melmetal VMAX (Secret) - Pokemon GO (PGO)
Market Price: $12.55
Mewtwo V Alt Art & VSTAR Gold Top Pokemon GO TCG Cards Value List
Mewtwo was the big star of the Pokemon GO TCG Cards, and it came in several different forms. The rarest of these being: gold, rainbow and alt art. Typically, alt arts are the rarest and most valuable cards of them all. In this case, however, Mewtwo VSTAR Rainbow Rare is the most valuable. Let’s take a look at the other two cards first.
#4 Mewtwo VSTAR (86) (Secret) PGO
Some people really love the gold card look. This one looks really cool to me so I can’t blame them. Has almost a retro feel, reminding you of the early Mewtwo cards that came out in generation one.
Market Price: $14.35
#3 Mewtwo V (072) Alternate Full Art PGO
This is my favorite Mewtwo card from this set. It seems to be a direct shoutout to the Detective Pikachu movie (which was awesome) and I love the extra tie-in. It’s also quite a bit different than other alt arts out there given the realistic backdrop. Probably the most underrated alt art to come out in all of Sword and Shield (but I’ll take it for the lower prices).
Market Price: $17.62
#2 Dragonite VSTAR Rainbow Rare
This whole set was a nostalgia trip from the original 151 Pokemon. And Dragonite VSTAR is no exception. In fact, Dragonite VSTAR Rainbow Rare is my single favorite card from this entire set, and we were lucky enough to pull this directly from a pack ourselves. It remains one of the highlights from the summer. Even though Pokemon GO TCG cards come in a number of cool packages, and the Dragonite deck box product was lit, even those awesome promo cards aren’t as cool as this beauty. Check it out below as we get ready to bring you the #1 most valuable Pokemon GO card.
Dragonite VSTAR (Secret) - Pokemon GO (PGO)
My favorite card from the set, Dragonite VSTAR has held up value incredibly well. Definitely a worthwhile card to add to your collection.
Market Price: $19.15
#1 Most Valuable Pokemon GO TCG Card – Mewtwo VSTAR Rainbow Rare
Being the star of Pokemon GO TCG, I suppose it is only fitting that Mewtwo make the top of this list. Although it’s not my personal favorite, it is currently collecting the highest price online by a large margin. I expect all of the Mewtwo cards from this set to hold up value quite nicely, as well as the Dragonite VSTAR. So well worth your time (and money) to collect!
Mewtwo VSTAR (79) (Secret) - Pokemon GO (PGO)
Market Price: $33